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January 03, 2008


(Thanks to Andrew Hoenig and Jeff Meyerson)


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That has got to be one of the best mug shots I've ever seen.

She also poses wearing a shiny black bikini in a 2008 calendar that features women holding guns.

Maybe that should have been a warning: Tread Carefully.

I'm guessing her law career may have been nipped in the bud, as the late great Barney Fife would say.


And I'll take a moment to brag mention that my cousin, once or twice removed, was a Miss Arizona about 10 years back. She would never do anything like that!

I will also brag mention that she did pretty well in the USA pageant...

A sexy bikini clad girl holding an assult rifle is sending a very mixed message. Sort of like a large dog growling and wagging its tail simultaneously.

Hmmm...too bad she didn't win.

Amer, why did they remove your cousin? Were weapons involved?

If she leaves out the actual weapons and the actual intent to do harm, she could charge around $200/hour for the tying-up and biting services. Just saying...

"Amer, why did they remove your cousin? Were weapons involved?"

No weapons involved. Just not quite enough votes. Guess the pageant didn't take place in Florida...

What did she do for the talent competition?


a m a t e u r

(what part of that is SPAM???)

is it wrong that my first reaction was laughter?

Yes, it is, cg. (Mine was too).

She makes the astronaut chick's mug shot look like it was done at Glamour Shots.

E tu, Crossé?

"Fulbright invited the man to her apartment, then excused herself to shower, said police spokesman Sgt. Fabian Pacheco."...When Fulbright finished her shower, she allegedly bit the man on his forearm, right hand and ear, held a butcher knife to his head, and told him she was going to kill him.
At least she didn't make him shower with her dog.

I actually knew a lawyer who had been Miss Arizona. She was very tall. We called her Miss Amazona. (Aip - I think the math is a little off for her to have been your cousin).

It seems she is likely to be voted Miss Conjugality, though.

"I actually knew a lawyer who had been Miss Arizona. She was very tall. We called her Miss Amazona. (Aip - I think the math is a little off for her to have been your cousin)."

Occupation's a little off, too.

Feisty lookin' gal ... I bet she's a real Wildcat ...

1) Woman burns man's bison head in his home.

2) Woman batters man who's dog is in the bathreoom.

3) Woman kidnaps and threatens ex-boyfriend at knifepoint and gunpoint.

Waiting for eleanor to take case #3.

Whoa... She cleans up well, though...

I saw a clip once of what I guess you'd call gun p0rn, with a bunch of Hooters-type girls in bikinis shooting off automatic weapons. The soundtrack was amplified, as were the girls, I suppose.

Not being a gun freak, I have to wonder, if you see a beautiful girl in a bikini and say to yourself, "Wow... I'd love to see her ______________", and you fill in the blank with "fire off an AK-47 until the barrel melts," how do you describe your sexual orientation?

Hell yeah, fiesty, armed, gorgeous and a bit psycho. If I was young, stupid, had a black belt and an arsenal, I'd take a crack at that.

A woman like that would keep you on your toes, and you'd be grateful to be alive. The inevitable break-up might require state troopers though.

'Dog, if any of the males on this blog say they would NOT have taken a run at that young lady, with or without weaponry and body armor, such males would be lying like a 10,000-year-old embroidered Persian rug.

"Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself" is not a lesson well absorbed by men under 30. Okay, 40. 90, and that's my final offer. OK, how old was the geezer that married Anna Nicole? That might establish an upper limit...

When they say she's in her second year of law school, do they mean this is her second attempt at the first year? Somehow, I'm thinking she was missing the fundamentals. I suppose nothign to do now but sit back and wait to see if she gets a fool for a client

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