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December 28, 2007


This is illegal?

(Thanks to 7 billion people, including Jon Harris)


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Man. First they don't let a guy scratch himself, THEN they don't let a guy pee, NOW they try to keep a lady from wiping her nose. What is the law enforcement system coming to?



It's snot.


OMG. The South has died!

Oh my. I have the vapors.

So YOU took the vapors? I was looking for them earlier. You coulda mentioned it.

Almost sneezin'
West Virginia
Cop had cuffed her
Nose flowed like a river
She looked over
Spied that cotton weave
Now she faces jail time
For snot on his sleeve

Runny nose
Should be blown
And she could
Not postpone
Now she's sorry
It don't matter
Runny nose
Must atone.

JD - you should be arrested for blowing snot all over that lovely song.
Good one, though.

Hi, Ducky!! Merry Christmas!! Hope you all had a good one.

Gross and disgusting Nice parody, Toots. ;-)

All's I have to say as I get to bed is...


Good one Ducky!!! nite nite

Thanks, all. My Christmas would have been great except I was SICK. I'm NEVER sick. My daughter (yay for her) ended up fixing Christmas dinner, which I couldn't eat. I've spent a week in bed. Today's the first day I've felt halfway alive. So Annie, when I left my comment about your wonderful article, I was doing so even though I felt horrible and could barely strike the keys on my keyboard. There, doesn't that make you feel good? ;-)

And now, I'm going to drag myself up to bed. Tomorrow will be a better day.

Nighty-night! Sweet dreams!

Thanks, all. My Christmas would have been great except I was SICK. I'm NEVER sick. My daughter (yay for her) ended up fixing Christmas dinner, which I couldn't eat. I've spent a week in bed. Today's the first day I've felt halfway alive. So Annie, when I left my comment about your wonderful article, I was doing so even though I felt horrible and could barely strike the keys on my keyboard. There, doesn't that make you feel good? ;-)

And now, I'm going to drag myself up to bed. Tomorrow will be a better day.

Nighty-night! Sweet dreams!

The bot is taking advantage of my weakened condition. Bad, bad bot.

Poor JD, I had no idea. Get better quick so you can fight the nasty vicious registration fairies comment on my next column coming out next week.

Another column, Annie?! AWESOME!! I hope this is turning into a regular gig for you.

Annie's coming out next week.

*reserves front row seat*

JD, I didn't know the dreaded lurgy struck you hardy Austin folk.

Xlnt, ducky.

I thought that's what the long armsleeve of the law was for.

Happy Weekend! Donuts on the Blogbar!

*snatches a chocolate covered, cream-filled*

I once did something similar and... yes cops dislike that. A close friend walked up to the cop that had my arms behind back and said, "Officer, I'll take it from here," then took my arms (behind my back) and marched me down the street and turned the corner, where we collapsed in laughter. The moral of the story is: no tequilla and no sneezing on cops. Rules to stay out of jail by.

Feel better, JD.
Thanks for the advice, CJ.
Congrats, Annie.

(goes for coffee)

Booger, Dano.

When you think it's butter
But it's snot...

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