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December 26, 2007


It could have been worse.

(Thanks to ShadowKatmandu and Cheryl Howard and Jennifer Jolley)

(And of course DavCat)


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Seems he got a bit "s#@t faced" on Christmas eve.

Somebody shoulda put the lid down. That's how this stuff happens...


That was extrememly funny

I want a new CAR in X-MAS


Speaking of stuff located in septic tanks, here comes the Chinese spam again.

Looks more Hindi to me. ((((((((Doc!!))))))) How was your Christmas, Sweets?!

i'm dreaming of a brown christmas
just like the one i had last night
wedged in the tank septic
left me a tad dyspeptic
and a touch stinky, don't you know!
i'm dreaming of a brown chirstmas
though my hair's fallen out from fright
thoughts not of holly
but of E. coli
will fill my christmas dreams tonight!


Septic tanks, septic tanks
they are full of poo
and clogs and prob'ly other stuff
that Schoff flushed down the loo
well Bob fell in
his feet stuck out
he yelled for an hour or two
the cops came by, they yanked him out
he com-plained through and through
but worst of all until late June
he'll smell like #2

Septic tanks, septic tanks
they are full of poo
and clogs and prob'ly other stuff
that Schoff flushed down the loo
well Bob fell in
his feet stuck out
he yelled for an hour or two
the cops came by, they yanked him out
he com-plained through and through
but worst of all until late June
he'll smell like #2


okay everybody, back on your head.

Well, there's an understatement: "It wasn't good, I'll tell you what," Schoff said Tuesday. "It was the worst Christmas Eve I've ever had."

D@mmit Rudolph, I said the SCHMIDT house!

I'm astonished and dismayed that subtle butt didn't make it onto your Gift List, Dave. Standards, slipping.

Also, I'd make a better link but I don't know how.

queensbee: snork, great joke that is.

Howdy ho!

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