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December 30, 2007


Nows they want to take away your fundamental human right to bite yourself.

(Also thanks to DavCat)

Semi-Related Story: Officer tases yoga instructor.

(Thanks to P. Cantwell)


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I live in NE Ohio. The man who was biting himself is rumored to have HepC or HepB; I don't remember which. The officers felt that he was trying to infect others by drawing his own blood, but it is still funny that they tasered him for biting himself.



Two in a row!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!

I will leave out the donuts and turn on the coffee pot. Here are some bagels and low fat cream cheese for those of you starting your resolutions today. A little orange juice, milk, homemade hot chocolate and some fresh fruit and everyone should be happy till I get back home.

The police once again using pain compliance just like the ol' SS. What a hoot!!!! The only way this could be funnier was if they maced her, broke her arm and afterwards she dies in police custody. TOO FUNNY!!! I LOVE THE POLICE STATE.

A question.
How many dollars does it take to get Dave Barry to help convince the public that pain compliance is funny?

Freedom of expression? I'll show you freedom of expression. You have the right to bounce around in agony after being shocked into submission.

Freedom of expression? I'll show you freedom of expression. You have the right to bounce around in agony after being shocked into submission.

Suddenly the bot is cloning everything I type? Qick, somebody hand me the tazer.

They really are all named "Wayne."

It just seems that way,Cheese. It makes my life a living he11 sometimes.

"How many dollars does it take to get Dave Barry to help convince the public that pain compliance is funny?"

Hey, no insulting our Dave! There's only one FearLess (not Fearess) Leader 'round these parts.

That yoga instructor didn't sound very calm. Maybe yoga doesn't work after all?

More seriously, seems like it's best to be calm, rational, and polite when dealing with police officers. (Duh!)

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