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November 28, 2007


(Thanks to DeskDiva)


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What Dave said.

this has got to be not true...don't chinese orphans read the papers?

what landed on her head?

It looks to me like those kids are awfully light-haired to be Chinese.

My snapper caught Britney...


Aren't there supposed to be some sort of minimum qualifications for being accepted as an adoptive parent? Like, for example, being able to take care of your OWN kids? Or having never ever checked into rehab of any kind?

Definitely one of the signs of the apocalypse...

Aren't there some sort of minimum qualifications for being accepted as an adoptive parent? Like, for example, never having ever checked into rehab of any kind whatsoever? Or being able to take care of your OWN kids?

What a refreshing change - a photo from above.

6 year olds are not tots. I can't imagine that she would be allowed to adopt children, since her own were just taken away.

Oops it posted twice.

"It looks to me like those kids are awfully light-haired to be Chinese."

Oops - wrong kids.

Maybe it was such a good point it deserved to be made twice. ;)

more likely, chinese orphans are going to adopt britney as she clearly needs someone to take charge.

Well, Dave, if you want some good news, there's always this.

That has to be a tabloid. There is no way she'd be allowed to get other kids.

Why am I thinking...this is totally made up bullsh!t?

Yay Diva.
Boo to the agencie(s) that could let this happen.

Maybe they will contain lead.

This just in. The kids have said they would prefer to starve in china instead.

I just heard a blurb on the radio that she's pregnant again. With some record producer's kid.

"Unsurprisingly, the poll revealed that nearly two-thirds of men get fed up of constantly waiting - and one in ten has even ended a relationship because of it.

Sooo, that's what happened to Johnnie....

Sorry, wrong post. I need a Red Bull or something.

I heard she was already preggers with #3

Yay! I got posted! I'm so with cg on this one.

And *snork* @ Meanie's photography perspective.

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