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October 02, 2007


A guy need this. Even if he has to sell his car to pay for it.

(Thanks to Larry Martell)

Vaguely Related Update: Barbecue Art

(Thanks to Janice Gelb)


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That would go great with the motorized beer cooler.

But will they customize it with the logo of my team?

And so what if you can't afford it. You can always make extra money selling hot dogs and half smokes during the work week.

for the guy who can't afford an rv?

There was a song from the late 40's:

He built a bar
In the back of his car,
To drive himself to drink.

But still, if you painted this in the colors of the best team in the NFL (Niners!), it would look very, very good in PirateHouse driveway.

Of course, if I bought this, I'd probably wind up living in it.

And no, not by choice....



Good one.

But if I sell my car Dave, how do I get it to the stadium parking lot?

Barbecue Art? I thought the guy in the barbecue was named Fred? I'm confuzzled.


Jeff, it comes with a satellite dish. You can just tailgate in your driveway.

I am so not into football (or any sports, really), but I have to say...that looks like fun!

Hey, Pirateboy! Having been dragged kicking and screaming from the Bay Area, I stuck with the Niners for years until they started stinking (several years ago). At 2-2 I'm not willing to put them back on the "best team" pedestal just yet...

But how many legs can it hold?

I may not know art, but I know what I like.

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