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October 31, 2007


Is your dog missing?

(Thanks to Marta Zlotnick)

And while we're thanking people: Many, many crunchy thanks to the bloglits¹, from Dave, Elaine, and the s.b.

¹You know who you are.


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Don't break my bark, my achy breaky bark....

Perfect for howling at the moon.

Okay, under there is a link for the "Pin Up Wig". Do not click it. It is creepy.

Last night I was at wally world looking for a wig for the boy's costume, and the only one we could find at first was a mullet wig. He asks "What's a mullet?", so I drag out that old gem "Business in the front, party in the back" and I had people complimenting me on my cleverness. IANMTU. I hate wally world.

See, now we GOTTA click on it.

So this is where Miss Piggy gets them...

TSWL- Your name sounds so much more Official like this. I looked for the link -tells you about my character- and couldn't find it.
So I believe that javascript blocker saved the day.

Lizzy, they are all equally creepy.

I'm thinking that a few could be sent to Las Vegas, top secret and confidential, to a Mr. B.M. as well...

*Howling snork* @ Annie awoooooooo!!!!*

TSWL - it's actually the Pin Up DIVA wig.

Go ahead and bite the hand that wigs you.

Go ahead and bite the hand that wigs you.

That dog looks suspiciously like my sister's 2nd soon-to-be-ex-husband. Weird.

I don't think it's werewolves attacking on a full moon. I think it's dogs that were abso-freakin'-humiliated by their owners.

Of course, if you're a dog and your owner is wearing this, you are a doomed doggie.

It was only funny the first time, Edgar. ;-)

This is why dogs bite people. "Zeus" joined Penelope (the fruit-scented-wallpaper dog) in an attempted attack on Virginia Beach.

Okay, Annie. Now I'm just creeped out.

"Recommended Washing + Drying Instructions: After thorough brushing, bathe wig for 5-10 minutes in a basin of lukewarm water with a little wig shampoo. Rinse wig well (2-3 times) + shake out excess water. Dry the wig with a towel. DO NOT WRING! Put wig on a curved surface and let it dry naturally. When wig is completely dry, brush thoroughly again so the original shape + the silk gloss return. Do not brush or comb wigs while still wet."

Good thing they included this. Too many dogs practice poor wig maintenance as it is.

Snork @ WriterDude !

*knows who she is*


Auntie - just don't touch the ostrich. You don't know where he's been.

I agree, Annie, with your general observation about doggie revenge ... mulletdog seems to have an expression that says, "If you don't get this frikken' HAIR off me RIGHT NOW ..."

My ex used to have this cocker spaniel with this adorable little tuft of hair on top of his head (always looked like a toupee).

One Halloween I gelled it up into a mohawk and dyed it purple! I thought it looked cool and the dog seemed to like it...

My ex was not amused however. She had no sense of humor (or fashion).

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