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September 28, 2007


(Thanks to Siouxie)

The two-headed turtle reminds this blog of an old joke:

The meanest animal on earth is the croc-igator. On one end it has the head of a crocodile, and on the other end it has the head of an alligator.

Q. But how does it poop?

A. That's why it's so mean.


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first??? they had a pic of this turtle on one of the tv channels. very weird. cousins, identical cousins,and you'll find....

hey - the one I sent in yesterday had a picture! It's very cute.

Push me-Pull me?

"It has two heads sticking out from opposite ends of its shell,.... The turtle has not yet been named."

...but obviously has a future in politics.

This is at a store right up the road from me - weekend excursion, perhaps?

They understandably do not look happy.

"The same exotic-turtle collector sold another Big Al's store a conjoined-twin turtle about 20 years ago, Jacoby said. The man lives in Florida, but he declined to identify him."

Wasn't one of Dave's book tour stops in Norristown, PA??

CJ - I believe you're thinking of the Pushmi-Pullyu.

This reminded me of that "Catdog" cartoon. I'm wondering if they're constantly fighting about which way to go..."this way..no! this way"

They are kinda cute in a "weird nuclear waste experiment gone wrong" kinda way

"Conjoined red-eared slider twins," would be a good name for a rock duet.

Haha.. my husband told me on this before.

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