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September 05, 2007


It's good to be king.

(Thanks to Bruce Webster)


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I need a kingdom of my own.

Oh, wait. I have the internet.

Para bailar Labomba. Yeah baby.

Since this is filed under DB for Pres, can I assume he's gonna hook this up when he's POTUS?

If so, are you already selling tickets?

Maybe that's how Dave's gonna pick his running mate.

is this what that la bomba song is about?

"The reeds collected by the girls are used as a wind breaker in huts and fences. - Sapa-dpa "

I'm sure that there is no extra ogling in the process.


Dangit Stevie!! that was MY line!!


How do we know they were all virgins? Inquiring minds want to know.

Well, I want to know.

I think I woulda stayed home that day.

"But the 39-year-old king, who already has 13 wives, also sometimes controversially uses the occasion to select a new bride."

Based on... an essay contest? Handwriting samples? A science project? Hmmm, what selection criteria could he possibly be using to suddenly point at one of the semi-naked virgins and say, "YOU! You're #14 with a bullet, baby!"

Is that a "traditional arrow-shaped axe" in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Question on this king/virgin/line up/in the news/ tradition/values thing? Without regard to the what a third world prince prefers, how can/would/did Prince Charles dump Diana for her?

40,000 virgins? *tears up airline ticket to Lobomba*

And in keeping with Dave's History of the World Part 1 theme, did anyone conjure up the image of Gregory Hines holding the feather thingy when reading the description of the King's loincloth? No? Me neither.

Had I gone, there would have certainly been trouble for either wearing hats, pointing or kneeling.

o/~ Oh, I just can't wait to be king!

(Apologies to Simba)

Where are the pictures?

YES! No ... No... No... No... YES! No... No... No... No... No... ...

(Man, I love Mel Brooks!)

Really nice style and good articles , nothing else we want : D.

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