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August 27, 2007


But walrus penises are up.

And in case you were worried, we're not letting go of Walter.

(Thanks to SandyEgo and the Perts) (Which sounds like the name of a rock band)


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Best news I've heard, like, ever.

They could put it next to their undrinkable beer, and they can be friends.

Cu Cu Ka Choo

Baculum? I thought it was an oosik. And that thing looks more like a mammoth baculum than a walrus oosik, if you ask me (not that I'd know). Either that or Walter is a midget.

*SNORK* @ lilrascal!!

I bid $16,001!

What? It's not battery operated???

Well, nevermind then.

You definitely do have to keep your hands on Walter. As everyone knows, all oosiks have minds of their own.

Nice video... love how the reporterette reaches out loving touch the 4-footer near the end

Update: the *item*, "covered with weathered skin and dry muscle tissue" (I hate it when that happens) was sold for only $8,000 to the company that runs the Ripley Believe It or Not museums.

DD, the biological term for a mammal penis bone is baculum. Oosik is an Eskimo word they use specifically for the walrus baculum.

Class dismissed.

Is "went extinct" proper english now? adds this next to "went missing" on list of annoying phrases currently in vogue.

he piece is more than 4 feet long...

I guess Walter really has problems in the gym shower now.

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