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August 29, 2007


(Thanks to judi, who would have unlocked an iPhone if this blog had asked her to)


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Excellent work!

Woohoo, my first first!

At 17, the only thing MY son could unlock was the fridge.

Yay, FP!

Well, at least this kid has a great answer for his "What I did with my summer vacation" essay.

I tell ya; kids these days.

I just paid $200 to get out of my Tmobile so I could get an iPhone. Oh well it was worth it as I hated Tmobile with a passion.

My brother took apart a toaster once.

All it got him was a stern look and a pile of Unidentifiable Metal Bits, which may or may not BAGNFARB.

Well, now maybe he can get a date....

(ps: Punkin, I left a note for you on the Japanese/Pot thread!)

Now he can go outside and get some sunlight.

Does that mean you're (not yore) buying judi a car, Dave?

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