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August 31, 2007


Watch out.


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You know them Englishsters have a hard time. Not only do they have to drive on the wrong side of the road but the terlet kin come flyin' at ya from outta nowhere right at rush hour, I'm tellin' ya.

I just loved this guy's comment:
Posted by: Tony on 8:36am today
"Do police have anything to go on?"

Whao! That's gotta stink!

Will the insurance cover the two tons of baking soda needed to soak up the stench?

Flying Toilets - GNFARB or a circus act?

Thank Gawd it wasn't an SUV!!!!!

No-one travelling in the Mondeo is thought to have been injured just after 6.30pm on Wednesday.

Where they injured just BEFORE 6:30 pm???

Also, was the port-a-potty full of crap?

Too many questions left unanswered.

Sadly, a similar event in Atlanta several years ago resulted in the port-a-potty going through the windshield of a following car.

The driver died and I could only think it was a terrible way to go.


Was the senator involved in the accident?

I kinda figure that no matter how I die, my last words will be "Oh sh!t!!!" How appropriate in this case.


how are the boys? did they have a great first day?

Wow! The sh!t really hit the fanbelt!

This is the number two reason for accidents on Engish highways.

No-one travelling in the Mondeo is thought to have been injured just after 6.30pm on Wednesday.

Where they injured just BEFORE 6:30 pm???

Siouxie - exactly my first thoughts!

The guy I feel sorry for is the one in the car BEHIND this one. Imagine driving down the freeway and a porta-potty hits the car in front of you and explodes. You look up and coming at you at 70 mph is a giant cloud of...



While driving down A-fiftyniner
The weather was grey, I'll admit
I pulled up behind a low-loader
Which dumped out a big pile of sh-

-aving cream
Be nice and clean
Shave every day and you'll always look keen!

(Apologies to Benny Bell)

*snork*@Mr Death - I remember that song! (Thanks for the ear-worm.)

Nice with the earworm, Mr D!! :o)

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