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July 09, 2007


...to this motorist.


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Gad that would certainly scare the shit out you!

We have nothing to Fear but teen-aged drivers.

Well put, Frank. (And Dr. Dog.)

And speaking of Florida licenses (smooth segue, right?) this girl is well on her way, especially as she already comes from The Sunshine State.

Sorry, Dr. Doug.

Jeff, I hope they post yours and not the one I sent. That didn't have a video! YIKES!!

Yes, we are proud of our teen drunk drivers.

Who names their kid "Terrance Sterling"?????

(Besides Mr & Mrs Sterling, apparently)

"You could hear the scooting of a porta-potty on the ground."

He makes it sound like this is a familiar phenomenon: "Is that the call of a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird? Or...no, wait! I think it's a Scooting Porta-Potty. I always get them confused."

Certainly pleased that this kid missed his chance to do this when I wuz in that Porta-Potty™ in Pismo a couple of weeks ago ...

(Pismo Porta-Pottys™ ... wbagnfa ... grunge band?)

Took a wrong turn and wound up at Pismo Beach? Heavens, the shock probably was what caused the poor child to run up on the Kerb... Geezer bus taking off here. Didn't any of you notice the Pismo Beach?

Um, "kerb"? Isn't it "curb"? And a Texas spelling bee certificate is on it's way to the reporter.

Nope. "Kerb" for a cement thingie on the ground.

Can a decidedly not aged person (26) hop on the geezer bus? That was the first thing I thought of. Perhaps all the clams were what caused the trip to the porta-potty.

Desk Diva, I stand corrected! I had no idea there was such a thing.

Might I also add, that I have lived in Texas for several years now.

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