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June 01, 2007


The world semifamous Rock Bottom Remainders are gearing up for our big show tonight at Webster Hall. We are so excited about this gig that we have taken the unusual step of scheduling  an actual rehearsal, at which we intend to learn, and write down, the chords. So it should be a less mediocre than normal terrific show. We also will have some surprise musical guests, one of whom can actually sing. So we're very excited.

We continue to garner a massive international tidal wave of publicity in the form of this article, not to mention the second item in this article.

Sorry for the lack of posting, but I've been prostituting myself involved with book promotion, and judi has been partying her brains out busy with band logistics.


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Break a leg! (not judi)

"We also will have some surprised musical guests, "

contemplates the many ways you can surprise your guests. boggles mind.



And FIRST to wish the RBRs good luck. Not that they need it, with all the talent they have - they will rock NYC!

I thought of that, too, cg. I can't help but wonder if that's intentional....

Hopefully their will be youtube evidence left over from the pary that will most assuredly ensue!

ben, with these guys, you never know. hopes squirrels aren't involved.

Yeah, cg, um...I'm wonderin', too....


Who would have thought the Rock Bottom Remainders and the Knuffle Bunny would ever have the pleasure of being on the same page?

i for one am glad to see the return of the infinity lofts - white bikini girl. (over there, to the right) the severed-heads-floating-in-space-and-then-falling-in-a-heap ad (which is now directly below)kinda gave me the creeps.

*still smiling at amy tan's "i would do this (perform in r.b.r's) to kill the whales"*

I, for one, think it's a beautiful beautiful thing that Dave learned the strikethrough tag in HTML.

2. After 15 years of playing "terrible good music," can the Rock Bottom Remainders, the band that includes Stephen King, Dave Barry, Amy Tan and Mitch Albom, still rock?
Why is it that our illustrious Blog always plays second fiddle to that King fellow? I think his Daveness actually wrote a book or something recently.

I, for one, think it's a beautiful beautiful thing that Dave learned the strikethrough tag in HTML.

Dang that double-posting glitch. Grrrrrrr

I wonder.... would one of the surprised guests happen to be the Keith that they are still younger than?

Baron, I heard Keith sing at a concert last year. I'd have to argue that Dave said that they were being joined by someone who could sing. Man it was bad, classical, but bad.

I am so jealous of all the Blogits going to tonight. First because they get to see the band and meet Dave. The downside is that they probably have to hear the band too. The other thing I'm jealous about is that they get to meet and see the other blogits live (which also could be a downside). Have fun gals and guys! I wish I could be there with you. Bring back lots of incriminating evidence in the form of pictures. We promise we won't use it against you.

funniegirl has not yet learned the anti-double-posting tag in html

Al, you LIE!!! We will ALL use it against you!!! :-)

wonders if the surprised musical guest is the prize winner...

Oh and I forgot to ask if anyone is interested in having a simulataneous Blog concert here tonight for those who can't be there. The concert starts at 9 Eastern Perimeter Time. See ya there!

*holds up lighter*
*burns fingers, swears and drops lighter in grass*
*stomps out ensueing small fire*


oh my gosh, ya'll, i just found out who the surprised musical guest is!!!!!!

Why am I suspicious?

Baron, at least he finally put that Tan woman in her place.

Naughty, naughty, lower case cg!

tsk, tsk, tsk....;)

That is true, EG. That is true.

CG, that was not nice, and hovering didn't help. That being said, and brain bleach applied, I doubt our intrepid band would not want to drive away their suckers ticket holders by having that singer crooner schlockmeister within 1000 miles of their venue tonight.

cg - I just know better. That was a BM link, wasn't it? And after that LOVELY cake I offered you on the forum. Well, you did make up for it in advance with Ice Cream Man.... ;-)

literary heavyweights

Perhaps it's time for the BlogMaster and Mr. King to lay off the doughnuts...

"funniegirl has not yet learned the anti-double-posting tag in html"



Put a group of heavyweight American novelists together and what do you get?

Is it my imagination, or are they calling Dave and company fat?! The nerve!

cg: Ghod will get you for that.

Am I the only one who saw the headline U.S. literary heavyweights down pens for panache and read it quickly as "pen!s"?

Anyone? Bueller?

OK, it was just me then.

But I'm still seeing Dave and Stevie and you're not.

DD, good morning. I saw one of your posts from last night suggested Smokestack. That is an excellent choice especially for a large group. However the "joints" have better barbecue. Places like Rosedale's, Quick's and, of course, Arthur Bryant's. Just a suggestion. :)

Jeff: Pththththth.

"We have had the most bizarre Stephen King experiences," said Pearson. "He is a totally normal person but some of his fans are lunatics. In front of him at a concert in Nashville one time was a woman waving back and forward with all 10 finger nails on fire."

Um. That ... was an accident. Really.

I haven't had any of those three myself, pete. But I love Smokestack and cannot imagine better baked beans on the planet! Besides - it's not the Jack Stack chain. I'm talking about the mom and pop place at 89th and Wornall. Mmm mmm good!!

jeff, you're not alone.

i don't think they're implying the guys are fat, after all, they have rock bottoms, it's safe to assume their abs match.

Eager to hear any and all details as soon as they are available. Wish I could be there with you all!

pssst, maybe judi is the special guest! she can really sing!!

"I wonder.... would one of the surprised guests happen to be the Keith that they are still younger than?"

And if so, will he sing 98.6?

OHHHH! I'm not familiar with that one. Quick's and Rosedale's are over in Kansas around SW Trafficway. If you haven't had AB's you haven't had the "original" KC BBQ. His is different because he uses a vinegar based sauce, not the sweet molasses most of the others use. But it's all wonderful, even the chains.

KDF: I thought maybe it would be Hannah doing a song from her show.


Good one, ubetcha.

For non geezers: Keith.

Diva - We should have our own BBQ festival in honor of the literary heavyweights......... and to make all the other bloglits jealous...... yummy! *EG*

Dave, enjoy the Fat-Bottomed Girls at the afterparty.

OOoooohhh, funk. I love Queen. But be careful, Mrs. Blog may think you are making references, and you know how we girls are. ;)

OOOH! Good idea, Med! :) And what's "*EG*": Eager Grin?

Thanks Jeff. I always liked that song, but then I liked everything in 1967. Especially the Red Sox.

DD: EG = evil grin

Does anyone know who won the damn contest?

1967? Was Queen around in 67? More like '87 I'd think.

I still think Judi won the contest.

DD, I downloaded Firefox last night. How do you get the tabs feature to work?

But you know, Hammie, who is more DESERVING of winning, I ask? Walter? I think NOT!

Well, DD, me. And you, of course...

pete - you can set it up through the homepage set up to have more than one home page (it will set each one up in its own tab), or you can right click on a link and click "open in new tab")

KDF: I thought maybe it would be Hannah doing a song from her show.


Posted by: Jeff Meyerson | 11:56 AM on June 1, 2007

Jeff, HAR! And thank you for giving me the perfect opening to explain what you're referring to. :)

Well, aside from us, Hammie. :-)

And you know, I was just wondering the other day...did you have to give up the shower cam business or something? I haven't seen mention of it for positively AGES.

And that statement, made before breakfast, should have been. "Hopefully *there* will be youtube evidence left over from the *party* that will most assuredly ensue."

Congratulations to Wilbur! Hannah! :-)

OK. Thanks a lot for the help.

Special Update from the Rush & Molloy column in today's NY Daily News [page 21]:

Dr. Death trading pen for the brush

Euthanasia-enabler Dr. Jack Kevorkian is due to get out of a Michigan prison today, and celebrity art curator Baird Jones is marking his release tonight at the Webster Hall nightclub with "Welcome Back, Doc," an exhibit of Kevorkian's paintings. The 79-year-old served eight years for second-degree murder in the death of a man suffering from Lou Gehrig's disease.

Together, the doctor's gruesome images constitute a kind of artistic assisted suicide. "War, the Gourmet," the doctor explains in a statement, demonstrates the world's appetite for "mass suicide" by showing the god Mars looming over a decapitated diner. Meanwhile, "For He Is Raised" mocks Easter as the "annual resurrection by dumb bunnies of a … purported divinity."


actually pete, i think you're both off ten years. queen was going strong in the 70's.

Maybe Dr. Jack will be the "special guest who can sing"?

Yup, a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_%28band%29">Queen was founded in 1970.

Whoops, sorry about that. Let's try it again.


U.S. literary heavyweights down pens for panache
I would have thought that in Dave's case it would have been U.S. literary heavyweights down beer for fun

DD, It's still going well, just quietly. That's a really cute mole, BTW.

Meanwhile, "For He Is Raised" mocks Easter as the "annual resurrection by dumb bunnies of a … purported divinity."

Mocking? I don't denigrate you. Why must you denigrate me?

Christians really are the most persecuted believers in America today, and it makes me very sad.

Do not mock me for what I believe. If you must mock something (and I do not believe you must), make it the actions that belie the beliefs.

But make very, VERY sure that you ALWAYS live out your own credo first. Hypocrisy is not limited to Christians.

Heh heh. Funny, Hammie!

*surreptitiously covers left hip, wonders how he really knew....*

actually pete, i think you're both off ten years. queen was going strong in the 70's.

CG, you are right. The song was released in 1978. I thought it was one of their later songs, but I was wrong.

Thanks Jeff. I always liked that song, but then I liked everything in 1967. Especially the Red Sox.

I was referring to Keith, who did "98.6" in 1967. "Fat Bottomed Girls" was 1978.

Diva, I agree with you completely. Everyone is so ultra sensitive (ie. the religion of peace)The only group that is still fair game are Christians. It bothers me, but Jesus told us that the world would hate us.

pete: something fairly easy is to just tag 'File' then 'New Tab.' You can then open whichever Tab you want at any given time/ surf independently within each. I find it particularly helpful if I'm writing something and pulling references from different sources.

Thanks, CJ. I think I am going to prefer FF to IE.

Looking at the photos in the article I noticed that The Dave and Ridley were the only pictured members that were Wiggles wigless.

DD & pete: there is no such thing as "fair game" nor should there be IMHO. Whatever you think of Kevorkian & the "art" guy, that is the opinion of the "artist" (sic), whether the rest of us like it or not.

And DD made the key point (for me) about hypocrisy. When I hear everyone venerating Billy Graham and remember what he said about the Jews on tape talking to Richard Nixon...well, 'nuff said.

Anyway, I think I'm ready for tonight.

*Dave for President t-shirt - check*

*propeller beanie - check*

*penguin thong - check*

*oosik - darn, guess not*

I think that Kiefer (Keifer? Kieffer? Kieffer? Keefer?) Sutherland should be a special guest. He used to sing in a band, I think. He has a little TV show.

A murderer convicted felon is mocking Christians? Bwahahahahaha! Apparently, he learned nothing during his 8 year 'vacation.'

Jeff, don't forget the swim-fins and the gold lame' cape.

Jeff, when you hear "everyone" doing anything I want to be there for that. I would like to know who the person is that you could respect? You know the one who has never made a racist comment or told a demeaning joke or done anything else that might offend someone. Get off your high horse. Nobody that I know has not done something hypocritical at some point in their life.

So, you're at a crossroads in your life. On one hand, you can go to NYC to see the RBR. On the other, you can go to Vancouver to see the Police reunion. If you choose wisely you will see the RBR.

Key quote: Andy is in Idaho

*Thinks of some other stuff Diva won't like.*
*Decides not to tell her about it*

I did my residency in Michigan and several of Kevorkian's former patients were dropped off in the ambulance bay covered with a sheet, but there wasn't a DNR (do not resuscitate) note with them, so sometimes the staff would try to revive them (so I'm told- this happened several years before I got there).

Everyone behave. Don't make me pull this blog over and come back there.

*snork at image of Jeff M in beanie, penguin thong, gold lame cape, and swim fins*

I had to choose RBRs this weekend (requiring massive rescheduling at work and owing somebody many shifts) or career and marriage (Wedding anniversary next Thursday, which is also female docling's birthday, with weekend meeting in Hilton Head for annual state ED meeting). It was actually a tough choice. (not the anniversary part).

oops- make that Friday- I know the date (june 8) not the day!

:-p @ Hammie - Just to see if you will pull over the blog and come on back here. hehehe.

Well, I'll be in NYC tonight in spirit-

Now I've gotta go fight Darwin.

Have a great day everybody! Bye!

Doc is going to a state Erectile Dysfunction meeting?

ddd- when the patient's file listed their physician as 'dr.kevorkian' wasn't that a giveaway?

Not usually any identifying information present, and this was before most folks knew what was going on.

pete- metaphorically. It is the Georgia College of Emergency Physicians meeting. We are 'ED' docs i.e., Emergency department physicians. But if you have been to one of these meetings, they can definitely take the wind out of your sails IYKWIM. Especially when they start showing inappropriate household objects in inappropriate body orifices.

Heh, ddd - in my life ED is "eating disorder." :-)

It is one of my goals in life to avoid becoming a slide in that PowerPoint presentation that they show at that ED conference. And I mean that in all three of the variations of ED listed above (and several others, as well).

...especially if it's the same picture for all three!

*passes out blain breach for those with hyperactive imaginations*

That should have been "blain breach".

*Thumps Scott on back to clear skip*

Ok- so I'm REALLY leaving for work, now.

No, now. Now.


*google eyes, hoarse voice*

Thanks, I needed that.

Geezer references, anyone?

"They took the bar! The whole fu@k!ng bar!"

Blain Bleach™? Does that make annoying "street magicians" disappear?

pete, agreed but... most of us are not set up on a pedestal as a Paragon of All Virtue. That's all I'm saying. I think Bob Dylan put it better:

Don't follow leaders
Watch your parking meters.

pete, I'm not gonna talk to you, if I can help it. You are mean and nasty. The other folks are not. In fact, they are really nice.

Some people will always think that EVERY person has a soft, gooey center. I don't.

Don't pick on my new friends.

Get a grip on yourself and just don't do it.

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