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June 11, 2007


"Where the Women Are Hot, Or At Least Hotter Than the Women of Other Area Communities Such As Bucyrus, Urbana and Washington"


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Is Sandusky in Alaska?

And am I first for the first time?

uh...where the heck is Sandusky??

What was the percentage rated as livestock?

It's a fictional place where Tommy Boy makes brake pads!

Tes, fivver, ducks can be rated as livestock.

it's in ohio...

cable-access reality show...hot sandusky (and after a hard day aren't we all?) women try to find the good in not-so-hot sandusky men... called 'beauty and the buckeyes'

Sadly, this blog has done more for Sandusky's publicity than their own chamber of commerce. We should demand a paycheck from the them.

Make that first letter a 'Y' up there please.

Started by a father/daughter team??? Who's yer Daddy!

Apparently Sandusky has relocated to the Appalachians Scott. Just a guess on my part.

So, Mate1 is free for women but when men pay to sign up they are rated as unattractive? Hmm... Doesn't paying to be abused usually involve stiletto heels and leather garments?

NTTAWWT, of course.

What happens in Sandusky , stays in Sandusky appears on this blog.

It must be something in the Sandusky water.

*Thinks to himself... Yes there is something wrong with that Scott. That's what makes it so much fun.*

Sandusky has one of the best Amusement Parks I have ever been to. It is called Cedar Point and lots of fun. I used to go during my college years.

LOL, fivver!

BTW, there was something important about Alzheimer's in the news this morning but I can't remeber what it was.

Mot, I saw that too. Also, there was an article about a pill to delay menopause. Now that'll be a big seller.

My wife's from Sandusky. I thought she was hot when I married her 27 yr's ago.

ohio ... but do they have any good jobs, or should i just hope somebody goes gaga over me, buys me a big house and i wont have to work.....

"I'm Just a Russkie from Sandusky." Wasn't that thr response tune to "I'm Just an Okie from Muskogee?"

mmmmmmmm sundusky...

In related news, a recent poll rated 100% of the Dave Barry Bloggals not only "good looking" but "HOT". Eat your heart out, Sandusky.

Oh, weird... I work in Urbana. (Not the Ohio one).

Steve, I was born in that Urbana.
daisy, daisy

Thank you, Layzee!

HAL....there's a real version of that place you're talking about... That's where I work.



I have a feeling we're not in Ohio anymore.

HEY! Layzeeboy said I'm HOT!! WOOHOO!!

And YAY padraig for your first FIRST!!!

Is it just me, or does it seem likely that given the worse than 3:1 ratio of men to women, that "good looking" is probably the same as "breathing"?

and *snork* @ fivver's 9:52

uh...name change.

Time for someone to write another 100..... just sayin'.

Wow the first hot dung beetle! You can find everything on this blog.

ain't nobody gona ask me how to pronounce "bucyrus"?

ok, have it your way.

sandusky is in northwest ohio and is home to (as someone else pointed out) the cedar point amusement park, which is it's one claim to fame. cedar point is the amusement park with more roller coasters than anywhere else on earth, they also serve a lot of french fries and corn dogs making it the barf capital of the universe. near sundusky are such places as port clinton, which would be yer walleye fishin' capital of the world, and the bass islands, home to several wineries and a lot of drunk tourists. and since you have to get to the island by ferry, there is a lot of barfin' goin' on there, too. come to think of it, i spent a day on a fishin' boat outta port clinton one day when the waves were plus or minus four feet and barfed a few times myself. don't get me wrong, i love ohio, but i prefer a couch to a roller coaster and a barcalounger to a fishin' boat.

okay, it's beau-sigh-russ.

Oops. Name change. And I even wrote it on the blackboard 100 times last night!!!

mud, my dad used to work in the phosphate mines in central Fl. They used Bucyrus-Erie walking draglines. Loved being able to visit him at work!

Sounds about right, KDF. It's all relative.

It would also explain why the men are so ugly. Simple economics.

Well Chagrin Falls girls are hip
I really dig those clothes they wear
And those Cleveland girls with the way they rock
they knock me out when I'm up there

Columbus' college co-eds really make you feel alright
Ashtabula gals with the way they kiss
They keep their boyfriends warm at night

I wish they all could be hot Sandusky
I wish they all could be hot Sandusky
I wish they all could be hot Sandusky girls

Repeat chorus...

LOL good one, Lairbo!!

Speaking of Clinton, I'm surprised Bill didn't put his presidential library in Sandusky. What with all of the french fries, wineries, and the ratio of hot women to men thing and all.

Well Coshocton girls are wholesome
and their carharts are so fly
And those Gnaddenhutten babes with a load of hay
they keep there shoes free of cow-pie

the girls from downin orient keep their saddles nice and tight
and if a youngstown gal gives you just one kiss
you'll get wacked later on that night

I wish they all could be hot Sandusky
I wish they all could be hot Sandusky
I wish they all could be hot Sandusky girls

*Applause for the Buckeye Boys!*

Mud: Yeah, baby!

and more cheers for the mudman!!


WHERAS the men of Sandusky are decidely non-hot and can't be too discriminating,

THEREFORE, be it resolved that hearafter, all lukewarm ladies of Sandsusky will be be referred as "hot" for all internet dating sites that operate within the city limits.

This resolution shall remain in effect until we attract sufficient "hot" men to our fine town.

Chagrin Falls...that place has turned into a yuppie town, imo...my dad grew up there and my grandma still lives there...last time I visited, I was shocked to see the number of yuppies wandering around

You pronounce Bucyrus, Bucky Russ. Anyone that's lived in Galion knows that. It pi--es off everyone from Bucyrus

Uh, Rob? you've been married 27 years and don't see what a world of hurt you'll be in for if your wife sees the following sentence?

"My wife's from Sandusky. I thought she was hot when I married her 27 yr's ago."

See, the offending and possibly deadly word here is "was".

You'd better run. Now.

Hey, Steve(24)! I did grad work at UIUC in CS. Had some EE classes as well. Small world...

The wife never reads this so I am OK............For now......


I was in Sandusky with my family last Monday through Thursday. Two observations:

(1) Neither my wife nor I can remember seeing any of these hot Sandusky women. We must have stayed on the wrong side of town.

(2) We did, however, see a plethora of aesthetically-challenged men.

Oh, and Cedar Point rocks...

Dagnabit, they lost the page by the time I got to it - and I'm famous in Sandusky for being on this here blog....

they changed the link. It's back up on the website


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