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June 26, 2007


This blog has obtained an advance review unit of the new Apple "iPhone," which as you can see has an exciting new form factor, making it almost more of a fashion statement than a telephone. You can use it to watch video or TV, play music, surf the Internet, navigate the roads, massage your gums, brew tea and prod cattle. The only thing it can't do is send or receive voice communications, but who has time for that anyway?


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Bonjour and First!

Sir, you had a call while you were out.

Who was it?

I dunno, just some d!ck.

*calling Walter*

I don't really think red is Walter's color. Didn't they have purple?

Is there a video demo of the gum massaging feature? Maybe with one of the Juggernaut Field Coordinator's new friends?

bad meanie, bad meanie


Ooh, that's funny!

I'm going to steal it, use it on a message board, and claim that I thought it up!!

Mornin' Prof! I think purple would be lovely on Walter (as it is MY favorite color).

*wonders what type of batteries are needed*



...iBone connected to the Applebone...

"Mr. Walter, come here. I want to see you."

(Okay, not by me, but somebody. Preferably somebody with a hoo-hah.)

What hath J0bs wrought?

Apple is usually red - sometimes green or yellow... But definitely not purple...

I don't know about purple. If your oosik is purple you've been...well, er....amusing it too much.

or injecting hair thickener into it.

Dave, Walter looks quite classy! Ia that red velvet?
That Walter is quite the guy.

I want one!

(Dave, does this go in the Walter category? We need all the photos of Walter in one spot. Why, I don't know...but I think we do.)

That Walter is one cutting edge oosik!

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