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June 28, 2007


State of Passion

(Thanks to DavCat14)


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Mating Manatees WBAGNFAFolkB

Extra patrols are on the causeway to help keep traffic moving and the manatees safe.

just doing their part to promote safe sex?

Who would want to get in the water with a bunch of love crazed manatees? That could be painful.

I sense an upcoming scene in "Big Trouble 2".

What a life... dog-paddling around, munching on food, mating from June through October... OK that last part seems arduous.

Move along, there's nothin' to see here.
Having swam with manatees before, they are very gentle creatures. However, like most animals, I would imagine once they're in the mood it's best to get out of their way. Manatees aren't known for great eyesight or senses of smell, and an unsuspecting person could receive a surprise, IYKWIM.

Love-Crazed Manatees would also BAGNFARB and an Animal Porn film.

Just sayin'.

Sea Cows gone wild!

Sea Cow Susie, Sea Cow Sam
Do the dirty deed off of dry land
And they shimmy
And Sammy's so NOT skinny

And they whirled and they twirled and they tangoed
Singin' and jingin' the jango
Floatin' like the heavens above
It looks like Sea Cow love!

I'm so, so, sorry. Really.

LOL Casy!

Opps, sorry Casey. was laughing and forgot "preview"

LOL casey!!

Can't tell much from the picture. From the pic alone I would have thought it was Edgar.

"a lot of people feel the need to get in the water with them and that's illegal."

And it's also really stupid.

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