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June 29, 2007


(Thanks to Siouxie)


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She was sharing her weed? She is stooopid.

Yay, Siouxie!

A second 14-year-old student participated one of those time, Raney said.

Editors much? At Associated Press, no less. Sheesh.

Dangit, Med! You broke my string of firsts!

And I'd be more concerned about his being "tutored privately" at her home. This could be taken to mean that his privates were being tutored. Either way, it doesn't look good.

I'm with Med. NO one gets near MY stash!...um..providing I had a stash...which I don't.

*gosh I'm hungry*

Hands Siouxie a bag of Doritos and a 2 litre bottle of Mountain Dew.

wow...yummm! thanks, ken!

*goes to take a nap now*

munchies, Siouxie? try my secret munchie busters. Brownies and Ruffles.

As a biology lab asst. in high school, my teacher would give me the keys to his car to go get him Ho Ho™'s and Ding Dong™'s every day. There was always a "roach" in the ashtray and twigs and seeds in the seat. We had some fun experiments

BTW....I didn't inhale!!

everybody must get stoned...........

oh wicked! salty AND sweet combo - the BEST kind!

Jazzzzie, when I was in HS, our resident hippie/stoner teacher was the Mythology teacher - Mr. Piro! coolest guy you'll ever meet. I can't remember learning much though.

you learned many really deep things in his class Siouxie, it's just that your short term memory wasn't for sh!t. i wonder why.

At least she didn't sleep with him. And if she hadn't shared her stash, it would be a Hump-free Bogart.

thanks AWbh, i just ruined my sinuses with a black coffee snork.

lmao, Annie!

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