Attack of the Loo-Roll Holders
(Thanks to DavCat14)
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Attack of the Loo-Roll Holders
(Thanks to DavCat14)
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And Sheryl Crowe was seen leaving the scene...
Posted by: crokett | May 29, 2007 at 02:35 PM
Headline: Workers at the Department for Education and Skills Lack Both
Posted by: the world has a fivver | May 29, 2007 at 02:36 PM
And Sheryl Crowe was seen leaving the scene...
Posted by: crokett | May 29, 2007 at 02:36 PM
*snork* @ paperwork
Posted by: Clean Hands | May 29, 2007 at 02:36 PM
That would be a rockumentary wouldn't it? After all, The Loo-Roll Holders WBAGNF...
Posted by: Mr Death | May 29, 2007 at 02:40 PM
So, are the dispensers mounted unusually high up or are their heads unusually low?
Of course, we are talking about gov't employees here so perhaps their heads really are... uh, appropriately positioned.
Posted by: KCSteve | May 29, 2007 at 02:48 PM
Oh, I thought it said Lou Rawls. I knew he was funky but I didn't take him for the violent sort.
Posted by: ScottMGS | May 29, 2007 at 02:59 PM
"I know many of you will think this is humorous..." They just knew it was going to end up on The Blog before it even did!
Posted by: Bethie | May 29, 2007 at 03:02 PM
i predict we will be seeing these featured in a japanese video clip on youtube in the near future, only after getting t.p. holder whacks him on the head, the walls will fall down and the subject will find himself pooping on a busy street corner or a ski slope or something.
Posted by: mudstuffin | May 29, 2007 at 03:05 PM
No loos, but some paint rolling going on over here
Posted by: JonW | May 29, 2007 at 03:05 PM
LMAO KCSteve! that sounds about right.
and *snork* @ Scott!
Posted by: Siouxie | May 29, 2007 at 03:05 PM
horrendous grammar alert: (the phone rang while i was typing)
i predict we will be seeing these featured in a japanese video clip on youtube in the near future. only after the t.p. holder whacks him on the head, the walls will fall down and the subject will find himself pooping on a busy street corner or a ski slope or something.
that's better.
Posted by: mudstuffin | May 29, 2007 at 03:10 PM
Those "office wags"! They are always so funny!
Posted by: Moon | May 29, 2007 at 03:18 PM
"Several workers were bashed on the head..."
But of course. Where else would they be sitting? On a sofa?
Posted by: Steve Bradford | May 29, 2007 at 03:42 PM
"Quit flirting with Miss Moneypenny, Double-O Seven, and get in here right now. And close the door behind you."
"Sorry..." (*thump*) "You wanted to see me, M?"
"James, we have an urgent situation. A shipment of some of Q's gadgets has gone missing."
"What sort of gadgets, ma'am?"
"Tell him, Q..."
"Yes, madam...Ah, well, it was a shipment of, well, my latest tactical innovation-"
"Get to the point, man!"
"Ah, yes madam. Well, James, it was a box full of, erm, uh, exploding loo roll holders."
"Quit sniggering, James, it isn't particularly funny."
"Ma'am, that wasn't a *snigger,* it was more of a *snork*. And it actually is sort of funny. Except I can't quite figure out the purpose of an exploding loo roll holder, Q."
"Well, it doesn't actually explode James, it just sort of springs open and smacks them in the face. It's a good way of catching villians with their pants down-"
"Or anybody else who gets in their way. You see the problem here, James?"
"Yes, ma'am, I do. It's a crappy assignment, but someone has to do it. Do we have a lead on who took the, er, items in question?"
"Here's a dossier containing all the evidence we have. It seems that the items may have been leaked - stop SNORKING, James! - to someone in Civil Services. They could be anywhere by now-"
*SPROIIIING!* *SMACK!* "Eeeeek!"
"That sounded like it came from the ladies' lav...Moneypenny!"
(*M's office door slams open, revealing an angry Miss Moneypenny, sporting a black eye*)
"Q, I'm going to KILL you for this!"
"Calm down, Moneypenny, it's all right..."
"No it's not, M, I had a date tonight! And no, it wasn't with James."
"I know, I can tell from the sulky expression on his face."
"I am NOT sulking, M!"
"Neither are you looking for my loo roll holders...Moneypenny, please answer that phone and then find some ice for your eye."
"Hullo, Director's office...Hold, please. Hullo, Director's office...Oh. Hold, please. Director's Office...uh...erm...hold, please...Director's Office..."
"Miss Moneypenny, dare I ask who is calling?
"Well, M, you've got the minister in charge of the Department of Education and Skills on Line One. He says some of his employees have been injured by exploding loo roll holders. Line Two is the head of Civil Services; he says that if he's going down he won't be going alone. Line Three is the Minister of the Exchequer; he wants to know just what we've been doing over here with our R&D budget. And, oh, there's a reporter from "The Sun" on Line Four."
(*Stunned silence, then M slowly sits down in her chair and puts her head in her hands.*)
"Oh my God, we're too late. James: find that leak. Do what you have to, as long as the paperwork is clean."
Posted by: Wes S. | May 29, 2007 at 03:57 PM
..."Quit flirting with Miss Moneypenny, Double-O Seven, and get in here right now. And close the door behind you."
"Sorry..." (*thump*) "You wanted to see me, M?"
"James, we have an urgent situation. A shipment of some of Q's gadgets has gone missing."
"What sort of gadgets, ma'am?"
"Tell him, Q..."
"Yes, madam...Ah, well, it was a shipment of, well, my latest tactical innovation-"
"Get to the point, man!"
"Ah, yes madam. Well, James, it was a box full of, erm, uh, exploding loo roll holders."
"Quit sniggering, James, it isn't particularly funny."
"Ma'am, that wasn't a *snigger,* it was more of a *snork*. And it actually is sort of funny. Except I can't quite figure out the purpose of an exploding loo roll holder, Q."
"Well, it doesn't actually explode James, it just sort of springs open and smacks them in the face. It's a good way of catching villians with their pants down-"
"Or anybody else who gets in their way. You see the problem here, James?"
"Yes, ma'am, I do. It's a crappy assignment, but someone has to do it. Do we have a lead on who took the, er, items in question?"
"Here's a dossier containing all the evidence we have. It seems that the loo roll holders may have been leaked - stop SNORKING, James! - to someone in Civil Services. They could be anywhere by now-"
*SPROIIIING!* *SMACK!* "Eeeeek!"
"That sounded like it came from the ladies' lav...Moneypenny!"
(*M's office door slams open, revealing an angry Miss Moneypenny, sporting a black eye*)
"Q, I'm going to KILL you for this!"
"Calm down, Moneypenny, it's all right..."
"No it's not, M, I had a date tonight! And no, it wasn't with James."
"I know, I can tell from the sulky expression on his face."
"I am NOT sulking, M!"
"Neither are you looking for my loo roll holders...Moneypenny, please answer that phone and then find some ice for your eye."
"Hullo, Director's office...Hold, please. Hullo, Director's office...Oh. Hold, please. Director's Office...uh...erm...hold, please...Director's Office..."
"Miss Moneypenny, dare I ask who is calling?
"Well, M, you've got the minister in charge of the Department of Education and Skills on Line One. He says some of his employees have been injured by exploding loo roll holders and immediately thought of us. Line Two is the head of Civil Services; he says that if he's going down he won't be going alone. Line Three is the Minister of the Exchequer; he wants to know just what we've been doing over here with our R&D budget. And, oh, there's a reporter from "The Sun" on Line Four."
(*Stunned silence, then M slowly sits down in her chair and puts her head in her hands.*)
"Oh my God, we're too late. James: find that leak. Do what you have to, as long as the paperwork is clean. And Q: consider yourself in deep $#!t."
Posted by: Wes S. | May 29, 2007 at 04:14 PM
Whoops, double post. And Typepad said its comments were down and nothing was getting through.
God, I hate reruns...
Posted by: Wes S. | May 29, 2007 at 04:16 PM
well done Wes!
Posted by: GungaDan | May 29, 2007 at 04:59 PM
*SNORK* at Wes!
Well, they could go to Islamabad and just pee in the street.
Posted by: Cat R. | May 29, 2007 at 06:46 PM
Dangit Wes, it's always like that. EVERY time I turn on a movie I've seen, I always do it in the EXACT SAME SPOT. *sigh*
channelsthreads*Posted by: DeskDiva | May 29, 2007 at 07:26 PM
Wes, that (those) posts are great! It seems that most of you are way smarter than me. I can't compete with this stuff. So I won't.
with love,
Posted by: Elaine Sue | May 29, 2007 at 08:24 PM