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May 15, 2007


(Thanks to Mr. Paul Levine)


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At least, perhaps, a plot in which to bury the show.

24 is a 'green' show. It recycles its plots. 'Nuff said.

No, Dave. They were all out of plots.

Set up a perimeter around the cemetery. And shoot the producer in the thigh. The writers have been dead for two years - or maybe they are on the slow boat to a chinese prison.

Oh, God help us. Maybe they'll finally call it a comedy and hire Dave and the Amazing Steve as writers.

Look it may stink at this point, but it's 100 times better than any other non-cartoon FOX has, and even their cartoons have become lame.

I guess that's so, we don't have a plot
But at least I'm sure that every thigh's been shot...

We've got you, Jack.
We've got you, Jack.

We got you to bite my neck
We got you so what the heck
We got you to download me
We got you to cuckold me
We got you to hide at night
We got you to fight the fight
We got you, I won't let go
We got you to shoot Milo

We've got you, Jack.
We've got you, Jack.

From the Stevie W/Cher Farewell Tour Revisited Again, Version IV:

They say we're dumb and we don't know
We won't find out until the show
Well I don't know if all that's true
'Cause you bore me, and Tivo I got, too.

We got you, Jack. We got you, Jack.

They say a bomb won't pay the rent
But you've sure shown, a bomb is your intent.
I guess that's so, we don't have a plot
But at least I'm sure we'll watch a thigh get shot.

We got you, Jack. We got you, Jack.

I got reruns in the spring,
I got thigh shots for nothing.
And when I'm sick of Chloe's frown
Audrey's there to bring me down.
So let them say your script's all wrong,
'Cause I don't care, with you I'll drink along
Then put your perimeter in line
There ain't no Nielsen numbers we can't climb

We got you, Jack. We got you, Jack.

I got you to shoot my thigh
I got you to wonder, 'Why?'
I got you to hurt Audrey
I got you, now save Chloe!
I got you to bomb some stuff
I got you, enough's enough!
I got you, my Monday show
I got you on my Tivo.

You don't know, Jack.

Kudos and *snorks* to Stevie/Sonny, Cher and Annie! Excellent.

I had no idea the show had won an award for Best Drama - I know this is my first season of watching, but really! Now with Child Ricky in it, he should absolutely get one.

pssst Annie, Yankee game on in half hour...

pssst, Stevie, cye...

A plot? On 24? You'll sooner find a clock in a c@sino.

Through '08-'09? My god, they need two plots!

Andy - have you been watching? No...they don't.

Bravo, Annie!

"24" doesn't really need an actual plot. They've done quite well with just making the story up as they go along up until this season, after all.

What the show does need is scriptwriters who can create new, implausible, off-the-cuff storylines instead of recycling the old ones...and who can keep track of what's already been done on the show so we don't have all these broken, dangling "plot" threads that go nowhere.

They also need a lot more in the way of car chases, gratuitous sex, torture, thigh-shooting and general mayhem then we've had this past season, so we don't notice that the show lacks a coherent plot. Because the more the characters blather pointlessly at each other, the longer the audience has to catch its breath and recognize just how implausible the show truly is and get bored with it. (Like those unending Oval Office and Presidential bunker scenes, which were putting us all to sleep. As long as they're moving the action out of CTU next season, can't they move out of Washington too?)

And more Jack and Chloe would be nice. The writing staff basically neutered Chloe this season, and in some of the episodes Jack might as well still have been in the Chinese prison, for all the screen time he got.

Wes - it seems like the writers are not working together - each gets a segment and goes off to write it without regard to the other pieces. Then the next segment would drag us in another direction. Not cohesive at all. A basic plot line would ride herd on that.
It looked like budget cuts did in the gratuitous explosions and violence. They were also pushing the audience's patience. We can only tread water so long waiting for the plot to get off its @ss and go someplace.

YESSSSSSS Wessssssssss!!!!!!! Exactly!!! If you'll write this up as an online petition, I'd sign it!!!!

Kewenlong: Do you have any kick-@ss boots like Siouxie has? I NEEEEEED some kick-@ss boots like Siouxie has!!!

Seems like the shoe sales person is becoming a once a day habit around here.

'Diva, I can just see the look on Joel Surnow's face when he gets that petition: "Hey, the fans want more torture and mayhem? That's a switch from the comments we usually get..."

We must insist that Surnow hire The Amazing Steve as one of the writers, though...

But look on the bright side: Kewenlong is proof that even the 'bot's perimeter can be successfully breached.

Annie, snarking at the implausibility of the show is at least half of the fun we derive from watching and blogging about it. If "24" had anything more than the barest outlines of an actual plot...they might well ruin it for us.

This is someone's way of keeping all of us off the streets on Monday nights from January through May.

What they really need is something like Die Hard: Jack is just minding his own business, shooting the thighs of tail-gaters, or whatever he does for fun on his off time, when stumbles across something that he needs to stop.

My guess is homegrown militias are front and center next year.

They have to leave the presidents out of it though. They go through them like popcorn.

I have kick-a$$ boots. three pair.

Just sayin'

No time to stay, just checkin' in and sayin' "Hi."

more later.

Ok..I've got my kicking @ss boots on!! Howdy folks!

Wes...you're right.

I hear there's a few sub-plots thrown out from Desperate Housewives that the 24 comatose writers can get. Like Chloe and Jack are off to get married and suddenly Awwwdrey wakes up from her coma. Or Mrs. McClaughsky's dead frozen husband turning out to be Edgar.

Anything will be better than this non plot.

uh...shoe dude..


that. is. all.

I mean..shiet...even Desperate Housewives had actiion - murder, sex, fires, sex, explosions, sex, mystery, sex, lies, sex...ya know...NORMAL life stuff! I was actually watching "The personality of a slug Bacherlor" last nigth and it made more sense.

I mean..shiet...even Desperate Housewives had actiion - murder, sex, fires, sex, explosions, sex, mystery, sex, lies, sex...ya know...NORMAL life stuff! I was actually watching "The personality of a slug Bacherlor" last night and it made more sense.

grrrrrrrrrrrr bot

Wes - sorry, it's the writer in me. Can't stand the waste of a good timeslot. I have all these great ideas, and they're picking up a check for the same ole same ole.



What? Were y'all sayin' something?

Sorry....got a little.....mmmmm....distracted.....

Hi Wyo! Bye Wyo!

I know I'm not making much sense right now. I'm working on 3 hours of sleep from waiting up till my college girl got home. Soooooo I will bid you...adios. Niters and sweet dreams to all!!

*hook slides into blog bar. Empties unlimited round pisotl clip into the Bot's thigh* WOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Whichever of the fine ladies is tendin' bar tonight give me a quadruple of the REALLLLLYYY good whiskey and the drinks are on me for the rest of the night! JACK IS BACK and oh how sweet it is!

Screw handguns, Rick...if the blogbot gives me any more grief I'm coming back here with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.

Hey, Kewenlong! Forget about your damn shoes and tell us how you defeated the 'bot!

Wes my man, don't waste a perfectly good RPG when a small ammount of C-4 will do the trick nicely

I find that "farting in their general direction" is usually sufficient.

that or pissin' in it Wyo

at it I should have said...still its the gesture that matters

*dons *

I'll be tendin', since Siouxie the Blogmarm seems to have capered off to beddie-bye....

*pulls out a special occasion bottle of Macallan 1926 single malt.*

*pours a quadruple shot for Dr. Rick.*

Savor it, Doc. This is the good stuff.

*dons appropriate attire*

I'll be tendin', since Siouxie the Blogmarm seems to have capered off to beddie-bye....

*pulls out a special occasion bottle of Macallan 1926 single malt.*

*pours a quadruple shot for Dr. Rick.*

Savor it, Doc. This is the good stuff.

Late lol's to Cher(?) and Annie.

I actually watched my very first 24 episode tonight, #1 from season 1. My jury is out...but I'll continue fior awhile. (I started the "24 diet" that was blogged awhile back.)

Remind me, Stevie - what's the 24 diet?

And what are you drinkin', Cutie?

I think the "24" diet includes avoiding parts or season 3 and fasting through the remainder of this season DD. Just appreciate the 1st season in all of its glory Steve

Thanks, doc. I figured at least season one ($20 bux at Target for 24 episodes - such a deal!) had to be good. When did it start to go downhill?

DD - I learned of the "24 diet" when it got blogged here.

Drinkin'? I'll have a vinegar and water. Splash of cranberry.

dont know what your work hours are Stevie, but 24 airs on A&E at 7am and 1pm CDT Monday-Friday. And it seems like Best Buy offers a sweet deal during the Christmas season each year with all seasons except the newest being $20. Best idea is to watch the seasons in their order.

*pours a vw with cranberry for Stevie, even though she thinks that's really a weird drink.*

Who will try to hold their mud next season? Will they be able to do so in the face of Islamo-fascists, Chinese agents, and/or Rosie O'Donnell?

*Quietly opens door to blog bar and enters. Picks up empty beer bottles and sweeps up broken glass and Keith Richards figurines. Wipes down tables and herds sheep back into pen. Turns out light and leaves.*

*knock, knock* is the blog open yet?
pssst, diva, stevie must have a uti, better not question his drink.

*snicker* @ cg

Oh, I kept my mouth shut and just poured away....

to be clear, that's 2 more plots and around 7,823 more sub-plots

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