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April 24, 2007


(Thanks to everyone)


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Allright! Everyone give that crocodile a hand!

What a croc!

maybe he just wanted to pick his teeth?

Stay away from that croc, he's armed.

No zookeeper should go out on a limb like that.

I gotta hand it to you people!! very funny!


I would have described the croc as disarming, myself.

Gross, just when I was trying to eat breakfast too!!!

I'd a just given him the finger.

Isn't that Thing from the Munsters?

*snork* @ Olo!!!

Still available for use in puns:

elbow macaroni
knuckle sandwich
finger food
wrist watch
palm salad

Please use judiciously.

My Chinese co-worker informs me that "Chang Po-Yu" roughly translates to "Captain Hook."

So sad to see a crocodile having to live hand to mouth. And seriously, "ow". Also, anteaters are mankillers? What the hell?!

Um...no, Olo. Thing was a member of the Addams Family clan. Spot (the dragon under the stairs) belonged the Munsters.

So is he going to be starring in another remake of The Fugitive?

That pic is... deeply disturbing.

CH, and alarming!

A new entree for that Hospital restaurant!

Ahh, that's right. Thanks, DD.

I don't know about anyone else, but I think a potentially more interesting story could be the little blurb at the bottom of this story about someone getting KILLED by an ANTEATER. What the heck?!?!

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