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March 21, 2007


(Thanks to various people, the first being Schadeboy, who states, "The real problem is, this sure looks good to me.")


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Well, now I know what we're having for dinner tonight!

Yum! Heart attack on a stick!

I would say it would require Global Worming to cure.

I can feel my arteries clogging up just by looking at that. grosssssssssss

hah. I have those for dinner all the time and it hasn't hurt me...

Al, you're gonna be the size of a planet soon if you keep that up.

well...now that Pluto has been down-graded, I hear there's an opening...

and before someone beats me to it...no, the opening is NOT Uranus...

I can't believe that's not patented somewhere.

It's warming the planet just because of the flatulence!

Hair of the (hot) dog.

btw - I don't think Gore looks THAT fat. He's bigger than he was. But at least he doesn't store fat in his head.

there is no such thing as global warming. and anyway, I have an AC. and insurance.

Needs sour cream, butter, and as Schlitz... Ahhh

Remember, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

So deep fry that cheese and the cholesterol will get him in no time.

I shouldn't have looked at that this early in the morning - I think I'm going to be sick.

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