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March 01, 2007


Clean your toilet.


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Hey everyone, if you want to get rich in later life, c'mon over to my house and help clean everything! I guarantee that if you do, you will have a change in your financial position in the future!

If you accidentally flush your luck down a low-flo toilet, will you need the plunger?

So, the skid marks in mine are why I haven't won the lottery yet?

*adopts Japanese person*

*snork* at Nurse Tammy! Guess what I am planning on doing tomorrow? (And that was before I read this).

If I spent every day scrubbing and polishing the toilet, I don't think I would describe myself as "lucky".


My first snork of the day!

One mop makes it shiny
And one mop hides the smell
And the one that mama-san gives you
Just might cast a lucky spell.
Go ask Yuka
When she's wiped herself.
Clean your toilet.
Clean your toilet.

but in counter-point...when people are misbehaving in prison and the militray, they clean terlets...how is that lucky?

eyes son who is fascinated by japanese culture. wonders if she can convince him to try his luck.

Please don't squeeze the chow mein.

*patiently awaits correction from erudite fellow bloggers*

they can start at my house and work their way back to tokyo.

This sounds like a ploy by Tidy Bowl...

*snork at DPC*

Let me get my handbasket, as I'm about to commit blog heresy...

CJ, check this out:

If you use one of these from Australia, you'll probably never need to use a plunger again. I learned about them in Canada, and when we overhauled our bathrooms in 2004 and 2005, we installed 2 Caromas. 95% of the time we use the half-flush... it saves a tremendous amount of water.

They never clog, owing to the 4-inch trapway. (Most American thrones have 2.5-inch traps.)

When I was researching fixtures prior to our renovations, I came across a toilet, which will remain nameless, that is supposed to never clog. But it uses an electric pump. The last thing I want to get near is an electrified john, even if it has a GFCI. If the pump conks out, do you need to call a plumber, an electrician, or both???

*Official Disclaimer: I do not work for Caroma or it's distributors.*

How's this relate to getting rich? Water is symbolic of "liquid assets." You don't want your money going down the drain... So fix your leaky faucets and quit wasting water. Nothing superstitious about that.

I guess the chairman of NYSE didn't clean his toilet, which is why the stock market went in there instead and did it for him. Same with the investors

*Rushes to bathroom, cleans up bath toys/clean toiletseat from messy twin boys morning visit/hangs up towels*

*Buys stock in Ti-dee-bowl*

Well dang! Guess I'm sh!t outta luck!

Hmmmm. I wonder if we can get this fortune teller to come state side and claim the same thing, but along the lines of if you would like your team to win...

Take that, Wham...

Wake me up to clean the benjo*
Don't want to horse around like a dodo
Wake me up to clean the benjo
Don't want to miss when the Nikkei hits high
Wake me up to clean the benjo
The bullish stock market's on a roll-roll
Wake me up to clean the benjo
Take me gambling tonight
I wanna hit that high

* archaic Japanese word still used in Hawaii

"Clean the toilet every morning and nothing too much worse is likely to happen to you the rest of the day". How's that sound?

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