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March 01, 2007


(Thanks to Cheryl Howard)


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Yet another reason for homeschooling. UGH.



I bet that guy is sorry he decided to "meth around" *lisping outrageously*...

As I've stated before, as a parent of 2 middle schoolers, drugs seem appropriate. I wouldn't choose meth tho, I like my teeth.

simul with casey

I am SO proud to be from that area. First, 14.3-million-pound burgers, and now naked, p0rn0-watching, meth-dealing principals.

Note to idiot crooks: Please do your naked p0rn watching at HOME, and try to schedule it for when the cops are NOT planning a bust.

We also need to create and post
"Sextoy Free School Zone" signs.

Wuz this blogged B4?

Or is there an epidemic among middle-school principals in that area?

Sure seems like dejá vú all over again ... merely ... me, I guess ...

the problem with our schools is that they have been strangled by the draconian budget cuts made by evil republicans while at the same demanding that students pass proficiency exams while they starve them (remember ketchup as a vegetable?) all the while spending money on a misguided war and halliburton while the schools have to have bakes sales we need to raise taxes please think of the children won't somebody think of the children?

Sorry mud, out of gumballs. Take a scrambled egg?

ah yes, another story to make me a proud pennsylvanian

I guess since he only delt drugs after hours and on weekends that makes it better? I don't think so.

"John Acerra, 50, of Allentown, was arrested Tuesday in his office..."

Did the police have a warrant hall pass?

Stevie - I hear the hall monitor was very peeved about that!

I'd like to thank Cheryl Howard

Mud - My wife is a teacher. She is also the person responsible for the departmental budget. She is rolling in money, and (like every other governmental agency) is trying to spend it all so her funding doesn't get cut next year. (Science department, suburban public school district.) The real problem with education, is the No Child Gets Ahead Act.


FIRST to point out misspelled Chaeryl. *neener*
(teehee - they haven't fixed it yet so we still get to tease them mercilessly)

I'm just sooo proud to be (originally) from the A-B-E (Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton) area. (Now in SC.)

And yes, mud, that is about what's wrong with schools. I have to attend several school board meetings a month...the state and federal government set allll kinds of requirements for the school districts, then keep cutting funding.

Not to mention wait until just about after the districts need info for budget time to actually present that info.

Tammy, are you saying that our soon-to-be President (Yes, of the United States)Barry made a typographical error???

Say it ain't so!!!

*hopes the other candidate don't hear about this*

Oh little town of Bethlehem
This sto-or-ry makes me cry
To think your schools with all their rules
Have lea-der-ers like this guy.

For in his heart of darkness
There shines a drug-gy light
Methamphetamine may be his dream
But it's sure the pupils' plight...


Don't know what's gotten into me today. Haven't even had coffee yet. And the moon isn't full yet, either.

*scratches head*


Hate to break the news to you, Mud (or anyone else), but the states with the most successful schools typically spent the least amount of money on a per student basis. I know some teachers, they tell me the home environment is the biggest influence on student achievment in school.

Don't they monitor internet activity by teachers and principals in school? What else was this guy doing?

whoa, everybody. first, my rant was 100% sarcasm. i am not a fan of the public school system (where i live) and do not think they need any more money. second, i do not, repeat, do not blame the teachers for the problems therein. what is needed is an administrative enema to clear out about 2/3 of the bureaucrats that collect a salary without producing results. it makes me crazy that the amount spent per child in the public schools dwarfs what i spend in private school tuition, (while failing to deliver the goods,) and every election, my property taxes go up again. i sent my oldest to a public high school for one year, until i heard her remark that she couldn't use the toilets in the school because the crappers had been designated "gang turf" and if she had tried to use the facilities, she would have been beaten. i confronted the principal with this, asking if it were true, and she admitted it, saying that she had "tried everything" and was basically powerless to do anything about it. (and for this, they charge extra.) my daughter no longer goes to that school. btw, the school also sucks in many other ways. i saw this story about this dipstick being in a position of authority in a public school as just another example of how the system is broken. i cannot tolerate it when i hear someone say that the root of the problem is my stinginess. humbug, i say, humbug.

oh, and sorry that my original rant was not clearer in it's intent. - i should learn how to use them emoticons or something.

Hi, mud...

Truth be told, I didn't catch your drift until I got to the last line or two... ;-)

/rant ON

My grandfather retired from teaching math and English in the Boston public school system in 1965 after he'd been at it for 35-40 years. The political garbage drove him bonkers. He passed on 10 years ago, and for his sake I'm glad that he isn't around to see the current shameful state of "education" in this country. Every time I see a report of teachers and school officials acting so irresponsibly, I could scream. Ditto for all the regulations and unfunded mandates foisted upon taxpayers by the Feds and states... by the poo-bahs in the special interest groups euphemistically called "education associations," and by local school boards.

Please note that my beef is not with the dedicated, conscientious people who attempt to teach our young people -- sometimes at grave personal peril. My beef is with the monopoly that shortchanges all its victims... the charlatans who have no business being in front of a classroom... those who profit from this calamitous state of affairs... and the mindset that insists that problems can be corrected by throwing lots of money at them.

As with so many other things, quality goes to hades in a handbasket when there's no competition or few alternatives to the only game in town. The incestuous relationship between government and the public educational establishment should be severed. I'm all for separation of school and state. See my comments to mm on Feb. 23 @ 06:37 AM re: homeschooling. I respectfully suggest you take a gander at the Alliance for the Separation of School & State. I think that the trend to charter schools could be a positive development. I think another possibility would be something akin to the Canadian system which offers a selection of denominational as well as public schools.

I say this as a person who attended a parochial grammar school for K-8, went to the local public HS, earned an A.A. degree at community college and then transferred to a Protestant-affilitated liberal arts college to earn a B.A. Since then I've taken a few classes offered through a Waldorf teacher training college... In a past life I taught English as a Second Language for a couple of terms at a Japanese junior college in the US.

/rant OFF

*gumball, please...*

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