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March 01, 2007



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"next on World's Funniest Transporter Accidents..."

The photo reminds me of those Garfield rumps people used to have sticking out of their closed car trunks.


snork at insomniac

Aw, nuts!

wow- a double snork simul!!

With nuts!! thanks NT!

*snork* @ 'posterior shot for posterity'

Dang-I got so excited I simuled myself.

Once I get over the euphoria i gotta pack up and head to work.

*wonders how much this excavation project cost the taxpayers*

Also reminiscent of the tiger tails that Esso Oil gave out to "put a tiger in your tank." LOL

wooo hooo!!! DDD & Tammy!

Whatever the cause, he now has a posterior shot for posterity.

laughing my posterior off!!

*wonders how much this excavation project cost the tree*

This is just more evidence that we need more hawks.

guessing the squirrel lost a bet.

finally we have discovered a way to end squirrel terrorism and they let him go?
you know he will be back to strike again!

The most frightening aspect of that is that the squirrel might be pregnant. And that it got away. Guaranteeing more troops in their war against humanity. Help us all.

Mr. Warner’s theory: the squirrel was pregnant. Whatever the cause, he now has a posterior shot for posterity.

Ummm...if the squirrel is pregnant, shouldn't that be "SHE now has..." -- or is there something about squirrels I should know? Or is it Mr. Warner who has the posterior shot? Nevermind...need coffee.

So how did the squirrel get stuck? Too many nuts? Mr. Warner’s theory: the squirrel was pregnant.

Well if you play with too many nuts you have a good chance to get pregnant.

Joe Warner spent 45 minutes working to remove the squirrel from the hole.
Ha, it only took me two minutes & a mallet to get that squirrel in there!

Snork @ Art

The "Dangling Fat Squirrel Butts" WBAGNFARB

*reminisces about father's nickname for backyard squirrel during her bucolic childhood*

*jumps up and down with excitement*

Look over there! It's Fat Pants!!

(Now you know who to blame for my warped sense of humor. Thanks, Dad...)

Finally, some action on our side in the War on Squirrels.

Of course, we could just get them drunk.

They don't seem to handle it very well.

*snork at Moon*

I'm feeling green around the gills just from watching that poor squirrel stagger around.

Fermented Pumpkins WBAGNFARB.

PS -- I posted a bit more back on the Holbrook/Twain sub-thread.

Snork at "HE" is pregnant, mamaCG723....

Nobody else was reminded of

Winnie the Pooh?

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