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March 21, 2007


You can now sleep peacefully, knowing that crime is under control.

(Thanks to Greg)


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Fantastic! Now if they can just get the theft and murder rates down, that'd be cool too.

Can't wait 'til the recycling nutz steal the beanz canz.

That's such rubbish!

snork(again)@ "fly tipper"

*glissing right past the prior thread featuring DAVE's OLD SCHOOL, which, he swears, was old when he got there. Hmmmph...quite a meritorious epissal, one not to be given such short shrift as to post again right after it, imho.

I think I just pulled a brain muscle. Hopefully not my own.

I believe fly-tipping started out because they were illegally dumping fly-ash, which is an industrial ash from smoke stacks (lightweight, hence the fly) and they were tipping it from dump trucks (the dump truck's bed tips up)

I could be COMPLETELY WRONG, though.

A slap on the editors' wrists for excessive and nonsensical use of z's in a headline. No! Bad! NO!

A slap on writer132's fly-tipper for excessive use of exclamation points!!!!!!

Oh dear...I'm afraid to ask what/where my fly-tipper might be...

It's in front of your asterisk.

I keep mine next to my goonda

Gad - that explains a lot.
"Where's your fly-tipper?"
"Why, I'm goonda find it right now."

Am I the only one who was reminded of the movie "The Truman Show" when they read this?

So....my fly-tipper is an ampersand?

Look at me...I don't know my ampersand from my asterisk. Egad.

Is this a real news story or just another result of a "betcha can't use 'wheelie bin mis-users' in a story" newsroom challenge?

You guys are funny......just sayin'

All caught up with the blog for the day, finally.

And *snorking* at Jazzzz, "You guys are funny......just sayin' ".

I don't know why, that just made me laugh!

I am not funny.

wondering how one exactly becomes an enviro-criminal. sounds fun.

Cult leaders aren't supposed to be funny.

Wyo - they don't allow enviro-criminals in MT. Only una-bombers and goat roapers. ;)

sure, Med, but Mont. is it's own entity. (thank God) fearing belaboring the obvious, I'm in Wyoming. we don't disallow anyone here, to the best of my knowledge.

(Conversation between monitors of the BeanCams)

Guy#1: I'm not seeing any potential fly-tippers, you?

Guy#2: Nah. Just a couple of muggings, a second story man and a purse snatching.

Guy#1: Yeah, Danny Christie was right. This is utterly insane.

I want to see WYO! Badly! I just watched Horse Whisperer last night, and that is some God's country, fo sho.

And, from your description, I wouldn't have to buy many cocktails either. :)

Moon.....yes you are. Thank's for the *snork* Cat R.....jus tellin' the truth!

Med, I just saw the real Horse Whisperer at a convenience store yesterday morning. (he drives a red Chevy)

Wyo - Ask him if I can send him a protege.

Med, he don't need no proteges, he only likes American cars. ;) jus' kiddin' o' course.


Hey Wyo !!!! good to see ya!

Med! I have dibs on the horse guy!! I am, the Cuban cowgirl.

you too Siouxie!!!

Sioux an Jazzzz, great to "see" you too! done any enviro crimes lately?

Wyo...I've missed you my friend!! how is everyone?? Diane? Sarah? the boys?? YOU????

I wanna come to Wyo too Med! I can just be a "fly" on the wall while you get all the free drinks. Sigh...

Jazzzzie!! you've been MIA lately too...smoochies to ya! (with Ms. Jazzzz' permission, of course)

Sioux, no need to fight. There's plenty of wyo to go around. Big sky and all. Lots of wranglers, ropers, and yum yum.

yumm yummm is right, Med!! dem wranglers can rope me anytime...iykwim!

Hi Jazzzz!

And wxgirl - Thanks for the balmy weather. House is wide open and I'm lovin it. Are you in OK?

The family does well, thanks, Sioux. the ponies are good too.

wx, there's plenty of room in in Wyo, whether you be man, woman or enviro-criminal. (after all, the home state of R. Cheney was the first state to allow women the right to vote. (we'll do anything to widen the gene pool.)

Med, I am great...just haven't had a chance to venture to KC for a little while. We are planning to get the house on the market by next Tuesday. Hubby came to OK last weekend.

Wyo...it's good to widen the gene pool! Sadly, I am finding out that in OK, there needs to be a bit of chlorine put into the gene pool. Some scary people make the news down this way!

Sioux - There aren't many cowboys is Miyamieeee are there? You poor thing.

Sioux - I can send you some OK cowboys...they seem nice, open doors for you, cat call when you walk down the street. Kind of flattering!

wxgirl - you're making me homesick.

Not in Miyami...little further north...Davie

Lots of yummy cowboys there.

just wonderin' if homesickness is an effect of radon gas.

More like a side effect of loneliness and red wine.

You will have to come down sometime Med! I am beginning to really like it here, but I miss KC. I don't miss the news though. Seems like a lot of murders in KC, while in OKC it is usually something like Bubba shot himself while cleaning the gun. No one told him to not look directly down the barrel!

Sioux, is blurk still MIA? I've still got no email, so I can't try to catch him.

Hey Med! glad you're getting some better weather, It's been beautiful here too. Thanks wxgurl. I have been either working at my paying job, or trying to get down some herbicide before the weeds decide to come. Apologies to all the totally green guys, I do pretty good, but sometimes you fight fire with fire.

Glad I could help with the weather...Yes I am taking credit for this. I figure I get enough cr@p for the bad weather, I should claim the good weather too! Enjoy all!

wxgirl - was planning to come down this week. My girl is in OK, but looks like I won't make it. We are going to meet halfway for the swap.

I am truly homesick..... I need a foul thing from Eskimo Joe's and some fried shrooms from Hideaway Pizza. Then, I would be right with the world.

Wyoooooo! I tried emailing blurkie a few weeks ago - no response. :(
btw - the original 'horse whisperer' was a woman. ...just neigh-sayin'....

Annie - My dot must be her reincarnation. She doesn't know the neighbors by their names, but by their animals.

And I swear she talks to the dog. The weird thing is he answersher.

Annie, while "neigh-sayin" is snorkable (as are sunglasses upon a steed), I don't think Buck B. was ever a woman. and the book was written about him. (so far as I know, I've not personally read the book, but have met and read Buck's stuff.

hopin' Blurkie's ok.

Med that is so cool! Has Dot considered vet school when she is older. It is still a long ways off, but she sounds like she has a true talent!

If you ever get this way, you must take me to Eskimo Joe's. Being in Norman, no Eskimo Joe's here, but I keep hearing wonderful things about it. None of them healthy mind you, but wonderful none-the-less!

*Snork at Annie W-b-h's neigh-sayin'

Wyo, I've emailed blurk too...no response. I hope he's OK.

Oh yes. She plans on being a vet and a horse trainer.

And it's a date. I grew up at EJ's. Perry is only 20 minutes away, with no night life. So, I started hangin' in the college bars early. Good times. Back when it was just a hole in the wall. And to the dismay of the beer buying frat boys, I most always made it home for curfew.;)

WYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! And wxgurl, and med, and everybody! So good to see y'all!

Seems like a good post for the Beatles:

I got no reason for taking my garbage can out
Weather is freezin’; we’re not on Wednesday’s trash route

But I’m a fly-tipper, give me a ticket yeah
The council’s so wrong; there’s no doubt, but they have clout

It’s a disease here, these new rules are so unfair
You cannot please them; these guys are crazy, I swear

So I’m a fly-tipper; got that ticket, yeah
My trash smells so strong, you might choke; that ain’t no joke

You bugged those beans, sir, and I just have to ask why
To keep our streets clean? And on what drugs are you high?

Now I’m a fly-tipper; and that’s not cricket, yeah
I sure don’t belong anymore; I blame Al Gore.

Fly-tipper, yeah...

Well all...time for bed here!

Great to see you, Wyo!!! please hurry back and keep in touch.

Sweet dreams everyone ;-)

ducky! great to bump into you!

Hey Ducky! Missed you! I've been just blurking here lately with my crazy work schedule.

Nighy night sioux! I still have a few hours to go until bed time.

Med - I grew up in Lawrence, another college town, so I can totally relate!

I'm going to have to flap off, too--hope to see y'all again soon! Sweet dreams!

Fly tipper, yeah... ;-)

Wyo - I would never question Buck's manhood. I was just sayin there were 'whisperers' before him. Nice to see a guy 'ask' instead of 'tell', though.

Med - I'm one of those animal nuts, too. Pretty wild what animals are capable of, if you just listen to them.

alas, I must off to bed myself. tomorrow, I'll whisper to the horses, and criminally violate the planet. the sooner we destroy this one, the sooner God will have to build us another.

miss you all,

nighty night.

thanks for making me smile, wyo.

Oh, and Annie - that does not surprise me one bit about you. Can I be you when if I grow up? I just smell animals and then I am lost.

No need to actually grow up is there? My hubby says he refuses...me too.

I am off to finish my work, so you all have a wonderful night!

Ealing, nothing more than Ealing,
Trying to forget why in Ealing I live.
Trashcans, put out on the wrong day,
trying to forget why a sh!t they give.

Ealing, for all my life you'll see me.
I wish you'd move that camera, man; my wheelie bins o' beans.
Ealing, wo-o-o Ealing,
wo-o-o, Ealing you again in my bins.

Ealing, Ealing like you've really lost it,
and Ealing like, you'll drive me to it, again in my bins.
Ealing, for every day I'll wheel it.
I wheelie wish I'd never moved here, sir; you're somethin,' in my bins.

Ealing , Ealing like I've never lost you
and Ealing like I've never let you with beanz in my binz.

Ealing, wo-o-o Ealing,
wo-o-o, Ealing again in my bins.

Med - animals DO talk to people! I know, I know, go get my jacket with the criss-cross sleeves, but they DO. The other night I sat down before I fed the dogs. Our labrador came over to me and said, "Mum, mum, mum!" She was saying 'mom'. My kids nearly fell over, they were so stunned. But she was hungry, so...she talked.

Schadeboy, if you're around, I posted a picture of our dog on my blog. At least he's not wearing Manilow clothes. 'nite!

Two excellent songs, ladies (and I use the word loosely).

*Prostrate with grief at missing Wyo*
Missed ya- let us know when email back up!

*Places out warm cinnamon rolls, bagels, fruit for early rising bloglits. Sets blogomatic coffeemaker on 'stun' for those who rise before they wake.*

*tiptoes around for those sleeping peacefully, knowing crime is under control in Ealing*

I think Empire Strikes Back is the best of the 6 movies, but it occurs to me that Luke spends a lot of time upside down in it.

Sorry, this was your early morning Cable TV moment.

Sounds to me like you need some of the "stun", Diver..

Thanks, NT, don't mind if I do!

I've also been trying to perfect the gumball breakfast pastries, but they're too strong...
Test subject "A" is still giggling and counting his toes, test subject "B" is sleeping it off...
Seems like they might only be approved for Monday and Friday usage...

I'll take a cup of that 'stun' if you don't mind. No pastries to counteract the effect, thanks.

*wondering how many other test subjects takers I'll have for the pastries*

Morning, Blogits!

Woot off is happening right now! Woohoo! Er, Woothoot!

Of course none of the other heirs could use their untold millions to spend $19.99 for the M-102 XtremeMIMO Wireless Laptop Adapter. 'Course not.

Morning, guys. Doesn't insomnia suck? Been awake for 2 hours, and all I want to do it sleep.

I'll take some of the blogbreakfast. Thanks, diver. You are right about the Empire.

g'morning. isn't it a little early for pasties?

Absolutely, Med. I've has a good spell since the time change, but usually it's me prowling the blog at unearthly hours. NT is usually to only other one there. And Mot, when he's home.

According to the blogdudes, it's never too early for pasties.

Nurse Tammy - You naughty girl! After two babies and the ravages of time, no one wants to see my pasties.

mornin' all. i'd like one of those gumball pastries that makes me giggle and count my toes. that and some blog coffee to get the day started. been up for 4 hours but i'm just now becoming sentient. scares the he11 out of me that i drove to work and can't remember the drive.

*passes ww a double-shot of "stun" and the gumball pastries*

SO glad to see I'm not the only one with the wootoff running on my computer today! They must have about a zillion of those projectors!

sthnbelle: Yeah, I wish it would get through that one...patience is everything.

(BTW, shoutout to The Amazing Steve for getting me into Woot to begin with!)

I love Woot - my uncle got me hooked a year or so ago he's on the west coast, though so he can actually be up when they post new stuff. I mostly only buy during wootoffs, since that's the only time I can actually be there if something cool goes up.

Bottom line, my productivity just took a nose dive for today and as long as the wootoff lasts!

what the hell is a wootoff

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