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March 21, 2007


You need this.

(Thanks to ShadowKatmandu)


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How did they get a picture of Chloe's car???

*snork!* at the sweeping!

Sure seems like overkill for that little piece o' crap car.

LOL love it!

I was a bit disappointed once I saw the video. The photo made it look like one big giant forcefield. Still, getting 8-foot-long sparks is cool.

I'm still waiting for the top-mounted phased-plasma canon in the 40-megawatt range model.


Does it make sense to put the on button INSIDE the car, though? I mean, if you are already IN the car are you really worried about someone stealing it?

I'll stick with the club.... And Xena, my loveable 150-pound rottweiler who likes to eat car thieves.... with fava beans and a nice chianti....

OMG, Clark. I am watching that movie right now!! Gotta get through it before sunset.

Yes, I do need that. Frikken cool!

Oh, please equip my Saturn with that! I can get rid of all the annoying drivers that get just a little too close for comfort! That is too cool.

In the interest of being succinct, that is absolutely retarded.

Seems to me that the cost of the Tesla device, and installation, would greatly outstrip the relative worth of a Hyundai. Hell, installing The Club would double its value.

Seems to me that the cost of the Tesla device, and installation, would outstrip the relative worth of a Hyundai. Heck, installing The Club would double its value.

He blinded me with science.

In Oz, that might qualify as a car. In the U.S., it's a lawn mower in need of a blade.

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