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February 23, 2007


Did we blog this already? If not, why not?


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Pampers-on-line is what it sounds like...

Doody Baby... Does it grow up to be incontinent toddler?

Because it's not especially funny?

My babies supplied enough doody on their own. I didn't need to purchase more.

I guess all the good business names are taken.

What size is your Doody Baby?
He's a #2....

Drooz Studio sounds like a company that should be making stuff for my Basset Hound.

Does this mean that Sophie is expecting company?

Who dat iz, my Doody Baby?
Who dat iz, my Doody Baby?

Coming in Spring, 2008, the "F 250 Super Doody," for the working man!

i always bought my kids clothes at the howdy doody baby store.

I hear that John Kerry is going to be there new pitchman.. " This is John Kerry, reporting for Dooooooty !!!"


No need for correction sean, you speled that right as a serviceman

And they have a BLOG!

lol crossgirl!

just what every little baby needs...designer doody.


Yes, I suppose they are. Pretty soon they'll start stringing letters together in random patterns for business names. eeeeeGGGGGsssssssrrrrrr, Inc.

I missed the proceedings yesterday. Did they determine who is Anna Nicole's baby-doody?

Dave, maybe this wasn't blogged before because Sophie is too old for this stuff.

OH - wait, you mean because it's funny.

never mind

Could be worse. Could be Bitch Baby.

High Maintenance Bitch Baby.

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