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February 26, 2007


I can't believe they totally shut out the talking raccoon.


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Maybe next year, Dave. But the penguin movie won something.

It's a travesty!! Maybe had he been dressed like a queen...

Are you Sure?

Don't worry Dave. The Raccoon Army will take care of those losers.

Sorry I cant do the linky thingy...


It's a conspiracy, I tell you!

FAW's linky

Not since the days of "Ole Yeller" has animal interest stories fallen to such a low level ....

Grizzly Adams
Ricky, Ticky, Tavey
Cher's Farewell Tour

... the list goes on!

Good point. Martin Scorsese does look kind of like a talking raccoon.


I'm thinkin' Siouxie's pix of him looks a lot like Howland P. Owl ... but that merely me ...

Pogo? Your thots?

Score: Penguins 2, Raccoons 0.

Not since 1960...

I DO remember this one.

It was worth it so we can all finally say academy award winner Martin Scorsese. Life is good.

My G-d! Souxie, if you put a wizard's hat on that guy in your photo, he would be the spitting image of that owl in Pogo, not that I read your old fogie comics or anything.

Did y'all miss me? After being heartlessly kicked off the blog last night by the 'bot, I am finally able to post. (I couldn't get in through the proxy server either) Typepad may be wretched, but at least their customer support is reasonabley timely. The Oscars became seriously boring after that, but my daughter was fascinated and wanted to watch. Big mistake, as now she has informed me that she wants an agent.

Edgar, I believe OtheU got the same impression. I have no idea what ya\'ll are talking about though. Googled it though. I bit before my time, I think.

marfie! I just got blacklisted from work...again. I\'m on the proxy server.

I agree Addicted. We can now say Martin Scorcese has the same amount of Oscars™ as Eminem™

Sisters in Crime, Siouxie - that's what we are. I never got a chance to tell you how fab your boots looked with your gown last night. I noticed that Hugh couldn't keep his eyes off you!

awww marfie! if only!!!

I must say your gown was truly patriotic and inspiring!

I have now been unbanned! Till next time when we both commit another heinous crime against bot-manity.

Yeah the racoon didn't get one but the weasel (Al Gore) did! Anybody notice how cold it's been?? LOL

My sons also became interested in the Oscars, when they saw the penguin from "Happy Feet" sitting in the audience. Both of my sons decided to bring dates to the event. My 10-year-old brought a stuffed chicken named "Chicken Wings," and my 8-year-old brought "Linda Lana," a huge stuffed penguin that looks remarkably like Jennifer Holliday. They also brought an entourage of 11 other stuffed penguins. Just thought you should know.

Yeah, Siouxie ... at the tender age of 23, I doubt you'd know about Howland P. Owl ... and congrats to Edgar, fer seein' the familial similarity ...

Well, dang, I JUST found out (like, 15 minutes ago) that my son was at the Oscars last night, standing across the street watching people arriving and leaving. He said the best part of the evening was making fun of the teenage girls out there who would scream about anything (Look! It's a guy with a ladder! Eeeeeeekkk!!).

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