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February 28, 2007


The Nicotine-Addicted Squirrel Monkeys

(Alternative headline here)


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Apocalypse. Soon.

Do they sniff each others butts?

Do addicted monkeys have a scientist on their backs?

Good question, sly!

NTTAWWT alt headline...

but I don't want to think about the withdrawals...

everybody's got something to hide, cept me and my monkey.

naughty monkeys. they should be spanked.

nicotine - smickotine! Go straight to coke!

Remember, rehabs for quiters.

lol, sly and russel.

I read this today - the alt headline. nothing wrong with that. (but I did snicker).

Snork at kibby!

Gay, Gay we're the Monkeys...

What, fivver, you thought love was only true in fairy tales?

Re: alt headline

"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." - Freud

"Monkeys addicted to fags"

Nick O'Teen - gay male porn actor


"Touch my monkey!!!"

"The number of the lever presses that the monkey had to perform to get a single injection of nicotine progressively increased," said Dr. Bernard Le Foll, a CAMH scientist and associate professor at the University of Toronto.

When asked why he didn't cut the crap and get a real job, Dr. Bernard began giggling like a schoolgirl and ran from the room.

They said the animal models closely resembled humans. I should say so, in a lot of cases. Have you ever seen a cigarette machine? And also, have you ever seen some humans?

well, the alternative headline had a picture of daniel ratcliffe's naked backside (advertising him in Equus). if that wasn't serendipity, i don't know what would be!

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