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December 20, 2006


Flora the virgin Komodo dragon is going to give birth.

(Thanks to many people, sthnbelle first)


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Lying s!ut.

Flora is a real QT too! there is a picture of her on the ABC news site.


that little slut!

whoops...didn't see that before, fivver!

Great minds Siouxie, great minds!

"she has never been exposed to a male Komodo dragon"

Oh sure, that's what they all say!

I think they need to check Nessie out just one more time.

must be, fivver ;-)

I'd be embarrassed to admit that I just submitted this a minute or two ago....

Oops. *blush*

OTOH, I'm in good company!

Upon doing some research on the komodo dragon here's what I found out:

"The male Komodo dragon presses his snout to the female's body, and flicks her with his long, forked tongue to obtain chemical information about her receptivity. He then scratches her back with his long claws, making a ratchet-like noise. If unreceptive, she raises and inflates her neck and hisses loudly."

That just ooozes sensuality don't it girls???
I am SOOOO jealous!!

um..Scott...I did too..about 15 mins ago LOL

So, will they name the seven little bundles of joy after Santa's reindeer or the 7 Dwarves?

If only I had a nickel for every time a gal I was wooing inflated her neck and hissed...

and yay!! sbelle!!

"The male Komodo dragon presses his snout to the female's body, and flicks her with his long, forked tongue to obtain chemical information about her receptivity. He then scratches her back with his long claws, making a ratchet-like noise. If unreceptive, she raises and inflates her neck and hisses loudly."

That's pretty much what I do. Sometimes my wife says "Yeah, okay. Just don't wake me up."

Flora likes long walks on the beaches, red wine and toes.

*snork* @ mud & Addicted!!!

Yay - I feel so warm and fuzzy!!

I did as well Scott. This just proves that the bussiness world is focusing on what is important.



where's that moth that cleans the eyeballs???

You could let Flora do it, Siouxie.

Oh wait, theres all that bacteria in their mouths..

Never mind - get the bleach!

As Ian Malcom said...
"Life will find a way."

YAY ME!!!! Something I sent in finally FINALLY got posted!!!


(I sent it in under the name "Many People")

The hover is more powerful than the click.

You didn't get me Addicted.

You're implying that a group composed entirely of female animals will... breed?

No, I'm simply saying that life, uh... finds a way.

exactly JoG what i was thinking... and the guy who said 'more power to them' gets cast as the first one too be converted to purina dragonchow...

Alrighty then, I guess the 3 wise men of zoology (wearing steel-toed boots and snake ties)along with the sharks and other top memebers of the food chain, will follow the light (hanging in the cage) bringing gifts of perfume and other delights

Clearly this dragon has a story and she's sticking to it.

oh and YAY to casey Many People on getting posted!

When I saw this I had the frightening thought that now reptiles can reproduce by themselves. Oh, God, we'll be overrun! Should I go buy a shotgun?

Away in a manger,
No dude for their dad
The fatherless dragons
Tried not to be sad

The bureaucrats gathered
And ruined the calm
The fatherless dragons
Were named after Mom!

I just learned about the ZW system (as opposed to XY) a couple of months ago. Otherwise, this would be much more of a mindf@ck. HOORAY! I LIEK SCEINCE!

(No, I do not dislike spelling.)

well done CJ!! LOL

"Thanks to many people, sthnbelle first... and Edgar last." I just sent the article in now.

It's all due to Basic Instinct, nudge, nudge, wink, wink. How many dicks does a Male dragon have? Maybe he floated the sperm on the breeze.

First virgin chimps giving birth now virgin dragons. What's next?

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