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December 21, 2006



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I think that's the sound I would make if my hand got stuck in the crapper.

I bet now he gets really crappy reception.

Speaking of dropped calls...


seriously, how badly do you need the phone when you KNOW it's not gonna work anymore...



Dave, you definitely blogged a similar story before, though the train might have been in Europe or elsewhere. Perhaps someone who doesn't have CRS isn't a geezer has a good memory can remember it, or am I just totally losing it?

Don't answer that, Siouxie.

Was it a camera-phone? 'Cause that would really be a crap-cam.

ok Jeff...

I wont :-)

So what happened to the camera?

What's with journalists now-a-days? The story's not finished.

Can you imagine being on the other end of that call?

"Li, why do you sound so... distant? Is it me? Wait, Li, what's that sound? Are you going to just flush away what we had together? Li? Li? Why are you yelling, Li?"

TAlk about getting dumped (on), huh??

Why was he talking on the phone while he was on the toilet? Doesn't he know that the purpose of that particular device is to transmit sound? I just like to keep a little mystery in my relationships.

Talk about a lost cause... My old cell phone took a dip in a glass of iced tea a few weeks ago. It took three days for it to dry out enough to sorta work. Then I found the exact new phone I wanted and Sprint didn't have it in stores or online even though they were advertised all over the web. I finally got a Sanyo M1 and am totally stoked about it.

But if your phone ever goes swimming, just write it off as a loss (or a lost cause). It's gonna be dead if you get it out.

Last Train to Crappsville.

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