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December 20, 2006


(Thanks to Justin Barber)


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... and his name is TAME??????

yeah, i'm not buying it from any guy that hasn't had his head bashed in (accidentally, of course!)

I think we all went through a phase like that. It is called be a teenager.

The extremes some men will go to for s@x always amazes me.

His former employer, Professional Cycle Marketing, of Essex, had argued through their lawyers that his injuries were not as bad as suggested in court

So this only entitled him to a bit of slap and tickle?? Is there an actuarial table that tells how deep the concussion has to be to yield porn, prostitutes and 2 affairs?

likely story...

An unfortunate fellow called Tame
Had his sexual drive set aflame
This young newlywed
Was bonked on the head
A setback he soon over-came.

Wow! 3 million pounds will buy him a lot of "therapy".

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