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November 21, 2006



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FIRST to buy a ticket to not there.

Edwards said the Louisville recruiters had been "keeping an eye on" the show sponsors for years, putting them on "our hit list in 1998" when word spread within the industry that the show was outgrowing Opryland.

They should have put in in New Jersey then. THose people are good at "putting them on our hit list."

"It would be a favor if the show ended up in NJ."

*wondering what business cards of sewage traders look like*

"Milwaukee Sewage Kings!
We're number 1 in number 2!"

hey.....easy on NJ!!!

this craptacular even can be held in Los Angeles or DALLAS (mavericks bust) instead.

oh, oh, i've got to go!

This is just perfect! Some years ago -- I think 1981 or 1982, on April 1st all of the U of Louisville students were awakened by explosions. They thought at first it was an April Fool's prank.

It was actually the nearby SEWERS EXPLODING. Apparently, a company(Ralston Purina I think, but don't quote me on that) had been dumping chemicals into the sewers on the sly.

So, like I said, this is absolutely perfect, that the home of the exploding sewers (as I like to think of it) should get a toilet tradeshow contract. I'm sure their sewer history was a big factor.

"...and pump about $8.4 million into the economy..."

With the topic of this particular show, I don't think that's all they're going to be pumping...

I can't believe I am admitting this. But I have attended the Pumper Show the last two years. (Okay, somebody was PAYING me to go.)Think Auto Show "Concept Cars" and models. Except replace the concept cars with sewer cleaning equipment.

Dave, as someone who has a sewage treatment plant named for him, should be a keynote speaker for this major event.

I wonder if Michelle Doody will be there. I mean, now that the volleyball season is over and all. She could be the Pumper Queen or something.

Dagnabit!!! I thought Akron, Ohio had that convention in the colostomy bag.

The show "wants another home...

May I suggest OJ Simpson's????

Mary, I'm so confused now. We all try to keep things outta the sewer when you and the kids are around and now we find out you go to a convention that features such filth.

I may need therapy to deal with this turn of events.

There is another side to my life I don't often talk about. I have spent time in the sewers in many of our nation's finest cities. And then I write about it. For money. Which then goes to the children. So see, my heart is in the right place.

But like I say, I try to keep this all under wraps. ISIANMTU, I was asked to appear on a History Channel special on sewer history last year.

*promises never to reveal mary's secret life of filth to her kids*

(mary's kids, that is)

Hey, I'm headed there next month - my mother lives there and last Christmas she had the Metropolitan Sewer District right in her backyard! This year, they'll be gone, but they're probably busy preparing for the toilet,sewage trade show. Living in NJ, I can't imagine where they'd have the space for such a wonderful project...

trading your toilet for sewage? seems counterproductive to me..

High time Louisville cleaned up its act!

Too bad Art Carney can't emcee.

Louisville blows the lid off the toilet industry! Exhibits filled to the rim with raw excitement!

on the other hand...

"The industry's latest technology will be on display, including some exotic mobile restroom facilities that look like small mansions, Edwards said."

I would at least like to see a picture of that.

$30 tickets? I think I'd pay that much to avoid the conference.

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