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November 29, 2006



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Oooh, just in time! I ran out of TP last nite and if I go to Fresno I won't have to make a trip to the grocery store!

I'd prefer a [insert random Philly sports team here] vaccuum. Because they suck.

Although I wouldn't mind wiping on the Cowboys.
*the football team. Not our pardners here.

DPS, how about a battery giveaway at the next Eagles game.

I like that idea. Monday night. With Donny Mac out. At least someone in the stadium will be able to throw and hit something.

Oh, wait. Carolina has their own QB, don't they?

DPS, that was close.

Do I need more disclaimers?

Does it have a picture of Paris Hilton and her new BFF Twitney????

*will stay out of this and let the boys talk foolsball*

Siouxie - fooball is really simple. You cheer for any team that has an animal mascot and boo any team that has a human mascot.

Cheer for: Eagles, Seahawks, Dolphins, ...
Boo at: Cowboys, Raiders, Redskins, ...

And it is almost universally true that the guy in the zebra shirt is an idiot.

Wow, DPS, that works!

Except for the Falcons. Too many years living in Charlotte area - I can't cheer for the Falcons.

But otherwise, a good theory!

So - will our poor Eagles win ANY more games this year???

Sounds simple enough, Chris. I cheer for the Dolphins anyways ;-)

Although I do like the Vikings...they have got the CUTEST purple uniforms!!!

and did I mention those "tight ends"???? yummmmo!!

who says girls don't like football???

So - Friday Night TP ($1-$2), Saturday Night a Nintendo Wii ($250-$700).


then again, Wii is supposed to be pronounced "wee", so maybe it's a good pairing!

Siouxie, the color purple should never be involved with any guy related activity.

Art, but my favorite color is purple ;-)

Nobody saw this?

NOBODY saw this????

"After each game, stop by the Holiday Inn Select Autograph Booth located on the concourse behind section 108. On Friday to get your Nightly Notes autographed by Tyler Scott and Kevin Asselin. "


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