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November 15, 2006


Puts one in mind of the Shakespeare classic "Like You Like It."¹

(Thanks to CoastRaven)

¹Credit for this goes to someone in email, but we can't remember who.


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Also first to say, where the heck is the link?

Linky dinky, judi?

it's, like, right there.

(sorry) :)

I think it was on last night, but all those L&Os start to blend into each other & become indistinguishable.

It's still, like, not working. Maybe if you , like, put it in a 1 qt. plastic bag or something?

So they like, didn't have to do that 'research' for their roles?

Like, I don't watch those anyways..like, you know.

It's still, like, not working. Maybe if you , like, put it in a 1 qt. plastic CLEAR bag or something?

I'm sure they'll become something like big stars. (That is, they'll end up in rehab one day)

Ya know, I don't get what's so, ya know, funny about this post, ya know?

A likely story.

There like so totally gonna be famous. Fer shur.

(also, dude, if you're like, into coincidences, click my name, like below.)

Or an unlikely one...

Like, I totally watched this episode last night.
I'm reasonably certain the producers were going for sympathy, but after a while I was just pretty much hoping the one girl who kept sticking up for her pimp would die.

Lairbo, funny AND sad, because they're true...

I like it!

Baltimore City:nbsp; One of 3 US cities (outside of Virginia) independent from any county.

Baltimore County:  that chunk of Maryland outside of Baltimore City, where the Baltimore Beltway is located.

The girls said the show's theme, teenage prostitution, has helped them to see beyond what's on the script.

"Although it wasn't quite as bad as when we did an LSD-themed show."

I was just like, 'I'm going to have to do it.' It's acting. You're not really playing the part," Harvin said.

Does anyone have a formal definition of 'acting'? Because the definition I've been using all these years renders this quote unintelligible. Like you know?

*unfunny comment*

My very intelligent (ok so I'm biased) 13 yo daughter started to develop the "like" habit about a year ago. She sounded like a moron. Instead of nagging her about it I simply started counting, out loud, the number of times she said "like" when talking to me or anyone else when I was present.
She stopped.

I was like SO relieved, ya know?

Like it or not, this is like how kids like talk these days...like I like wanna like slap them like silly...

*brain freeze*

Oh, I get it - it's like "Law & Order - Dancing With the Stars," only she's like, a dead hooker with a like, tattoo, and doesn't like, dance so much.

to paraphrase Lisa BFF from another thread -
When asked why she took the role she replied, "It was, like, convenient."

Hey, uh huh
Hey, uh huh

What I like about you, you like hold me tight
Tell me I'm the only one, wanna like come over tonight, yeah

You're like whispering in my ear
Tell me all the things like I wanna to hear, 'cause that's true
Like what I like about you


*snork* @ blurk.

I like totally did that with um my son who was like um saying like and um about 40 times per sentence. Um, it was like toally a drag and like um I hated it so I started counting. And like um it totally stopped. Rad. (Also, he is above average intelligence--but like, I am not biased)

CJ, like you totally like rock dude!!

like *snork*

Another couple of totally awesome words that are totally overused, even though they totally encompass the awesome ideas being communicated.

totally, ec!

Not a diss. Just happened that one posting followed another.

we just like totally think a-like!!


like, these kids are so prostituting their own horns!

*and that usually costs extra*

I sit next to a co-worker who punctuates every sentence with "Uh" or "Umm." when she is on the phone. She doesn't do it that much in normal conversation, just on the phone...

During really long calls, I sometimes have to walk away because it drives me freakin' nuts!

HEY BLURK!! If ever a thread had to digress to bazoomage, this Valley Gal's hen party is it!

Be careful CJ, very careful. Saturday is getting closer.

I like like bazoomage like nothing else!!


CK--I sit at a lot of meetings and conferences (I have a very exciting life, clearly). I am stunned how many of the speakers cannot manage to give a presentation without an inordinate number of uhs and ums. It drives me nuts too.

LOL...yer right ec...he's gonna have some splanin' to do huh??

pssst...btw CJ/EC...check your email

I fell madly in like with a girl once.

I'm going to start counting 'like's tonight. I was gonna start drinking, but this will be more fun, and none of the calories.

Okay, I'm outta here. Gotta go take my daughter to buy a *GULP* bra.
This must be punishment for all those (these?) years of bein' bad.

Es verdad, Lucy!

pssst...btw S... already saw it.

it's bazoombage karma blurkie ;P

good luck! LOL

blurk - hopefully you paid attention to all the advice we gave you about undergarments.

HAHAHAHAHA - HAH! Oh blurkie, just desserts, my man, just desserts. This is going to be insufferable for you on so many levels. I'm lovin' it!!!!!

Annie, I seriously doubt blurk was paying attention to our advise - he was looking elsewhere....iykwim.

he's gonna be in deep doo doo ;-) I can't wait to hear about it tomorrow!

You as me! You really as me!

Hope you "ladies" told him that for her age:white cotton, no underwire.

OK, he's gone now; let's start up the pool. I say some kind of front closing mechanism, nothing open to the behind the back snap moves. 5 Blog bucks.

*takes down the 's' and throws a 'c' at adviCe*

*waits patiently to see if there are any 'ladies' present to answer ec's inquiry*

GJ, you're on! I'll raise you ten blog bucks that she talks him into something exactly the opposite of what I indicated above.

She'll likely want something lacey. Prbably in pink. 5 blog bucks.

CJ, if it were up to HIM, he'd buy her a bullet-proof type vest/harness with double bolt lock and keep the keys.

I'll see your 5 and raise ya 10!

Exchanging C for G...

darned o's are slippery today. *kicks errant o into thread*

*Waits with hands over eyes until slippery o comments conclude*

CH, I think you're on the right track. I hope for his sake that it is only pink & lacey, not red, black, & never mind - these men get too worked up over the slightest inuendo. Even if it's about a teenager's bra.

Now little blurkette will probably pick something girly but comfty...and daddyblurk will have no choice.

Annie, I'm not sure there are any around ;0

Sorry I missed blurk, especially on such a momentous occasion.

*refuses to laugh*


under her thumb AND around her little finger...

S, what the h3ll you waiting for?

EC--Yeah there are all Come to Daddy Bab-bey till its actually their baby then all of a sudden they are reminding the young men that they have 5 acres and a back hoe.

Sorry Meanie--the airport lobby was really doin it for me...;-)

WYO!! miss ya my friend!

I'm sure you would have had words of wisdom for your pal...course I'm sure Diane handled that little chore for your daughter...

Annie was waiting for a 'lady' , ec

I pretended

Holy typo batman. Must be something in the thread. there=they're

That's okay, Wyo. Trust me, I'm doing enough laughing for both of us. Imagine if the saleswoman is not some matronly type, but instead a real babe. At that point, stick a fork in him.

This is why children have to keep an eye on what parents do on the internet.

S, you & Annie are both "ladies in my book! Speaking of books, anybody know of a good kid's holiday book, maybe something w/a dog?

Yeah, Sioux, I'm sure I was dad enough to handle it, but at the time Diane wasn't workin' so I left such selections to her. The little cowgirl is 19 now, and on her own. She picks out and pays for her own "special clothes" and last time she did laundry here, I vowed to never look again. There are things one just doen't want to think about.

*oh, major snork @ ron*


EC, isn't there something in the Lassie series or a Jack London tale written around a Christmas theme?

*grins innocently at Dave*

OK. EC has both the cotton and the lacy pink, covering two numbers with 5 Blog bucks each. Cheryl has lacy pink, for 10. I have front closure for 5 and Sio is not allowed to gamble as she has body armor for 10!

Yeah Wyo, but I was hoping for something that would make me lol at my regular watering hole, that I could read while I was ignoring another losing 'Canes effort. True story - the bartenders wantd to throw me out, because I wouldn't share.

LOL Wyo...I know the feeling! As a mom of two teenage girls, I have the distinct pleasure of underwear shopping with both of them...I love their faces when I pick something uh...not too conservative.

"You're gonna wear THAT MOM????"

*still loves embarassing her kids*

Jeez CJ, thanks for keeping track... I think. We should probably also have a time frame pool; how long this shopping torture will last. Can't you just imagine the frustration?!

Oh S, keep embarrassing them - builds character.

Theirs & yours, you character, you.

S--itsn't it a thrill to be racier than ones own offspring.

I always thought thongs were shower shoes.

Just sayin'.

someone should save this for blurk LOL

CJ - I can too gamble!! I said body armor IF blurk picked. She'd pick girly yet comfty.

ec, blurk would wanna zip in and out LOL

thongs=panties w/ no panty lines
shower shoes=flip slops
hip hop=music
bra shopping with teenage daughter=blurk on 5 nicotine patches.

substitutes s for an f.
Dang, I really think something is in the water here today.

Wyo, they are.

Cheryl, I get a kick out of it *eg*

EC - I have loads of character by now LOL

Speakin' of thongs...

Since it came up in conversation, did anyone else read that the female half of TomKat went lingerie shopping & bought a thong studded w/Swarovski crystals? Sorry, but that's gotta' hurt, especially when jumping on couches.

Of course, if Blurk picks! He has no chance!! He will be both tongue and around daughter's little finger tied after this adventure. It's not about what he might choose. It's about what is in the shopping bag, when they get home.

You're not allowed to cheat and get him to stop by sporting goods and pick her up some armor. What they arrive home with.... He is the umpire.

Wyo, cartoon is hilarious.

*snork* at wyo. Then I checked out a couple of photos on your web site. I loved the "free cat" picture. Its was in dreadful taste and is hysterically funny.

if it wasn't going the embarrass the heck out of his daughter, he should be forced by the rest of us to line up the purchases & crap cam them for us. Whaddyathink?

Cheryl, someone sent me that one the other day. I hate to admit it, but I laughed, too.

LOL that cartoon is great, Wyo!

I never claimed to have good taste, but I like things that taste good.

*thanks Charlie*

I think everybody needs to email links to Victoria's Secret to blurk for the next few days. Hmmmmm

Wyo. Again with the dreadful taste and hysterically funny...

I love it!

OMG Wyo, that's just plain cruel!

Never said that my last name isn't De Vil. Let's do it!!!

ec, this being the internet, no photos of kid's shopping adventures. Blurk is the sole arbiter and he awards the Blog Bucks for the pool winner.

LOL ec - only thing is that blurk will probably ENJOY the links!

I didn't mean on her, CJ!!! For crying out loud, I meant the garments themselves lying on a table - sans model.

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