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September 21, 2006


Why is this news?

(Thanks to Lee Allen)



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Some of these students must have gotten jobs at Chaz' company

...business students who cheat become CEOs who lie...hmmm...I think they are on to something...although I more concerned that my doctor may have cheated...

Isn't that what they're in business school to learn how to do?


In their defense, some of the students said: "But it's not personal."

"...lead author Donald McCabe, professor of management and global business at New Jersey's Rutgers University."
Sorry, pal - you majored in business - your whole survey is a lie.

Circular Logic lives!

Business Ethics, anyone? What an oxy moron!

Re: second article: Under an Alford plea, he admits no guilt, but agrees prosecutors had enough evidence to convict him.

Umm... that's quite a technicality there, sonny.

When I send my daughter's boyfriend's obit in, the listed cause of death will be "Hunting Accident".

"Here lies John Brown. Accidentally shot by his wife. Seven times."

I agree. This is yet another of those no duh "Dog Bites Man" stories like "Former Child Star Arrested" or "Humor Columnist is Particularly Well Endowed." Where's the news?

When I used to work in a library, the books and journals which were most consistently defaced and stolen were business and econ topics. We could always tell when they had a paper due.

Lairbo, of course! You took the words right out of my mouth - or typing fingers.

To me, that article is a DUH!

"James Snyder, of Stout, was accused of submitting the obituary for his girlfriend's 17-year-old son to the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier last December to get out of work."

What??? How will that get him out of work? Oh yeah...he will be in jail...no work. Execellent article. HA HA.

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