(Thanks to Claire Martin who also sends this link, which we don't want to know any more about.)
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(Thanks to Claire Martin who also sends this link, which we don't want to know any more about.)
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how much is the doggy on the website?
Posted by: insomniac | August 05, 2006 at 03:45 PM
OK, if you translate the title of that link from Dutch to English, you get:
"To summon då larverna bowl till Flogsta"
And the only thing I'm summoning is Orkin.
Posted by: Lisa Bisa Fo Fisa | August 05, 2006 at 03:50 PM
Literally, I think the translation is:
"Laverne, get me a bowl so I can smash some of these flogstas!"
Posted by: Lisa Bisa Fo Fisa | August 05, 2006 at 03:53 PM
I think I need to use the larvatory.
Posted by: WriterDude | August 05, 2006 at 03:57 PM
I wuz gonna show MB(RH?) a close-up photo of the wurms on the bike, but she said -- and I quote --
"That's OK ..."
Posted by: O. the U(manity) | August 05, 2006 at 03:59 PM
The increasingly closer closeups are very disturbing.
But *snork* at the bike.
Posted by: KDF | August 05, 2006 at 03:59 PM
That link was horrifying on so many levels. Who would pay $700 for one of these?
Posted by: Straw | August 05, 2006 at 04:01 PM
Eeeewwwww. *looks around for nearest can of Raid*
Posted by: Guin | August 05, 2006 at 04:06 PM
'the day the larva came to Flogsta?'
"Fonsterbleck" is about what I said when I saw this...
Posted by: insomniac | August 05, 2006 at 04:06 PM
That poor bicycle!
"Dagen då larverna kom till Flogsta"
Svens? Dansk? ??
Posted by: Dr. Doug | August 05, 2006 at 04:21 PM
conversation between myself and my 12 year old son:
me: this looks like it's gonna be disgusting.
12 yos: cool!
me: *brings up pictures*
12 yos: eeewwww!!
no sharpies needed, cuz my kids don't read the blog. I just like to show 'em the disgusting links. what? is that wrong??
O. the U - "wurms on a bike" WBAGNF somethin', right?
Posted by: southerngirl | August 05, 2006 at 04:23 PM
Ewww. Are those bagworms? That's just nasty. I should send that link to my boss. (No, I'm not weird. I work at a greenhouse. We have bagworms in our trees, but I've never seen anything like that.
Posted by: Bumble | August 05, 2006 at 04:27 PM
Is that dog covered with worms, or just naturally ugly?
Posted by: Jazzzz | August 05, 2006 at 04:27 PM
Posted by: Bumble | August 05, 2006 at 04:27 PM
That could feed an entire Vietnamese village for a month! Plus, they could develop a cottage industry making neckties.
I was afraid as I scrolled down that there would be pictures of a bunch of former people sitting in deck chairs all white and fuzzy with the caterpillars crawling all over them.
Posted by: Wramblin' Wreck | August 05, 2006 at 04:31 PM
OOhh! I think I've found my next Halloween costume! The infested tree - not the (probably infested) dog.
Posted by: Punkin Poo | August 05, 2006 at 05:41 PM
(Anybody else picturing that tree pulsating????) I heard the only way to get rid of them is to set them on fire....and they scream.....*shudder*
Posted by: Punkin Poo | August 05, 2006 at 05:53 PM
Punkin' Where you gonna find enough worms to cover the, uh girls?
Posted by: Jazzzz | August 05, 2006 at 05:56 PM
Coulda been worse, I suppose. Someone could send $700 for a puppy to someone they've never seen and then sign for delivery--of those caterpillars who'll quickly encase their house/trees/bike/kids with webbing.
With no refunds available.
But I gotta say, there are just some things I wouldn't buy without seeing 'em first.
Posted by: bookworm | August 05, 2006 at 06:03 PM
Jazzzz~ Trust me. Those worm sacks are huge. A couple apiece would be more than enough to cover any boobs, even Punkin's. :-)
Posted by: Bumble | August 05, 2006 at 06:09 PM
SNORK - Bumble said "worm sack".
*returns from pre-adolescence to semi-adulthood*
Posted by: Layzeeboy | August 05, 2006 at 06:25 PM
At least the kid doesn't have to worry about his bike being stolen...
Posted by: snif | August 05, 2006 at 07:40 PM
And they called it
Puppy Looooooove
Just because
the consumer is a big maroon.
So is there a big butterfly festival in Flogsta at the end of the season?
Posted by: WoosterGirl | August 05, 2006 at 08:03 PM
Ok..THAT was disturbing...
I was kinda waiting for the last picture to be of an actual person (dead or alive) covered in webbing...YUK!
Posted by: Siouxie | August 05, 2006 at 09:48 PM
Coming soon to a theater near you: Snakes on a Plane 2: Worms on a Tree--the Legend Continues But With a Much Smaller Budget
Posted by: kj | August 05, 2006 at 10:16 PM
I'm thinking a little olive oil, freshly crushed garlic,a tbl spoon of butter, Tony Chacheres' cajun seasoning, stir in skillet until brown. Serve over flaky brown rice. Finish off with eel creme brulee'. yum!
Posted by: Jazzzz | August 05, 2006 at 11:50 PM
As someone that has been battleing a war against whiteflies in a tree for the past several months, I can only say... EWWWW!
Posted by: AlanBoss | August 06, 2006 at 12:52 AM
And if you translate it from Swedish to English you get even closer to the truth:
"Day then caterpillar arrived at Flogsta"
I guess that means you just WAKE UP one morning in Sweden and walk out to find your town has been cocooned by these things.
Posted by: Biff | August 06, 2006 at 02:39 AM
Whiteflies are pretty easy to eliiminate. (Bumbles, check me if I'm wrong here, OK?). I prefer to use nicotine sulfate, but it makes your yard (And you) smell like a two day old ashtray. You can also use dish washing soap and just spray/drench the tree every couple of days, paying special attention to the underside of the leaves, where the whiteflies live. You do have to continue to spray at odd day cycles in order to get all the beasties that recently hatched, but they will eventually die a spotlessly clean death.
Posted by: PirateBoy | August 06, 2006 at 09:49 AM
as a person suffering worm-phobia, that was gross and disturbing and strangely, i couldn't stop scrolling to the bottom of the page.
my mouse hand hates me.
Posted by: pepe | August 06, 2006 at 12:32 PM
PB -
As a licensed and certified Commercial Applicator, I gotta tentatively go along with your recommended treatment {I do NOT have the Insecticide Endorsement] ... I'm not sure it's for real, according to Pesticide Salespersons, but it seems to werk ...
Also not sure of EPA restrictions and label requirements for annual maximum dosage and/or PPEs required during application, but dish soap is pretty much innocuous, when compared to some of the "bug killer" stuff that's out there (just ask Madge!) ... merely sayin' ...
Posted by: O. the U(manity) | August 06, 2006 at 12:33 PM
Can you imagine if Isaac Newton had been sitting under a bagworm infested apple tree? Instead of gravity, he'd probably have discovered how fast he could run.
Hmmm....a world without gravity....*pictures "girls" all perky & bra-less* (kinda like Blurk does, but without the lewd remarks)
Posted by: Punkin Poo | August 06, 2006 at 12:58 PM
Punkin' ...Kinda like party hats?
Posted by: Jazzzz | August 06, 2006 at 09:30 PM
Wurms got hats?
Posted by: O. the U(manity) | August 06, 2006 at 11:11 PM
Off topic - does anybody watch the show Dirty Jobs? Did you see last night's episode with the geo (gooey) crabs? uagh and uck
Posted by: 24-aholic | August 07, 2006 at 09:30 AM
Well it's time for me to throw up violently for the next 15 minutes. yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck. And my boyfriend wonders why I can't stand bugs of any kind.
Posted by: Brianne | August 08, 2006 at 10:30 AM