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July 29, 2006


Back in 2004, when Ridley and I were out strumpeting for our first book, we did a signing at a Costco (Yes! A Costco!) in California. To our surprise and delight and mild fear, several people came dressed as pirates. A CrapCam photo of that event was blogged here. The tall guy on the left in back is the blogperson known as Mike Weasel; the woman next to him is the blogsterette known as Mad Scientist. Before that moment, they had never met. And guess what?

That's right: They never saw each other again.

No! Kidding!

On Friday night, Mad and Mike got married. I am not making this up. So, to Mike and Mad, this blog says: Congratulations, and best wishes, and may you enjoy many fine swashbuckling years together.


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*snif* It's beautiful, man....

Here's to many lil' Mad Weasles!

that's SWEET!! a match made in pirate heaven!

so happy for you, mad and mikey :) congratulations to whichever one of you you're supposed to say that to, and to the other one also!

congratulations guys!!
i am soooooooooooooooooo insanely jealous. either of you got a brother?

(and a couple of Mike Scientists)

They met as pirates, so, now when they, um, "role-play", do they dress as office workers?

"I'm gonna sort and file you til you scream, baby..."

What? Did I cross that line again???

Oops, I forgot my name there for a second.

(or, for those of you who are counting, 2,038 seconds)

Wish you all joy. Where are the pictures?

wooohoooo 4-way!!

I knew I shoulda dressed up...meet a nice pirateman...

Arrrgh, the only line be on the gangplank!

Mad Scientist and
Mike Weasel have tied the knot.

Best wishes to Mad and Mike!!! The FIRST! bloglit wedding. :)

slowlayne!!! stick around, will ya?

PS: That's jamester and his kidster in the photo too.

Yayyy!!! Mike and Mad got married AND blogged!!!

Congratulations, best wishes, joy and love to you both. I'm thrilled for you.

*wonders if Mike and Mad's first child will be dubbed with an acronym instead of a name* :)

Wow ! That's cool! Congrats.

Congrats to you both!

"On Friday night, Mad and Mike got married." Wait a minute.. To each other, right?

of course to each other, silly! YAY! for Mad and Mike!! YAY! for weddings!!! YAY! for YAY! (I'm totally sleep deprived, can you tell?)

So Dave is in the matchmaking business now!!
Hey, Congrats. Pirates one and all.

The Black Stache

YAY! for Ridley!!

Welcome, Ridster!

*haunts Ridley*


Now THAT is one totally cool "How I met Your Mother" story.....and it's G-rated!

Not like how me & hub met over a vibrator....um...TMI?

That musta been one BIG vibrator

*enthusiastically waves to Ridley*

Excerpted from the Costco era thread that Dave linked to...

Aw shucks *blush* The hat I acquired last year at the Renaissance Faire. I even wore it to dinner :) And Mad is definitely very sexy in person! ;) Y'all shoulda seen the boots!

Posted by: Mike Weasel | 07:50 AM on September 24, 2004


I agree ... Mad is beautfiul ...
You go, girl!

Posted by: punky brewster | 08:16 AM on September 24, 2004


Thanks everyone... Mike is very tall and funny...
Posted by: Mad Scientist | 10:14 AM on September 24, 2004

Aww!!! {{{Mike and Mad}}}

Ahoy, mateys! Wedded bliss off the port bow! Hooray and congrats all round! So will the wedding toasts be made with grog or rum?

Does this make them "Uncle Dave & Cousin Ridley"?

WOOO HOOOO!!! YAY Mad and Mike. Congratulations and best wishes and many beautiful, happy children to you!

Hi Ridley!

Mike and Mad Weasel... a match made in... um... Costco.

All the best, you two, and much love!

Where's Annie-Where?

Punkin, we don't talk about cousins and weddings anymore, remember?

Sorry, cuz...

Who's next, I wonder....

Dave and Ridley, you done good!!!

*sending happy thoughts to Mike and Mad*

Maybe there should be a PirateMatch.com???

oh and Hi Ridley!!!!

CONGRATS you two!! May many years of bliss and silliness lie ahead!!

Two bloggers unite
Brought together by boogers
And Costco strumpet

They met at Costco
After talking on the blog
Because they loved Dave

Proposed new rule: Any bloglits who get married have to end their vows with "I swear I'm not making this up."

Ooooh! Talk Like A Pirate Day & Marry A Pirate Day!

Ad on PirateMatch.com:

"55 yr old well preserved Pirate looking for buxom Wench. Must like long walks on the plank, holding hooks and rum. Scurvy and rickets ok. Prefer wench with enough teeth to pop a cork on a rum cask, as a lack of citrus has left me toothless. (But has great tongue!) Willing to bathe for right woman."

good one Lisa!

I can attest that Mad and Mike are lovely people. While I have never met them, they were kind enough to send me very good sunscreen because I cannot find any here.

May they spend many, many happy, sunny, and sunscreen-filled years together.

Mazel tov!

*snork* at Lisa

Yes!!! Put it in the rule book.

Any bloglits who get married have to end their vows with "I swear I'm not making this up."

Giant Frog will probably not be wild about it, but I may very well say it after the "I do". *snork*

If he ever proposes, that is.

Ooo, Marie, another blog romance? We'll send some marriage mojo your way.

another good one could be - BlogMatch.com

Mike n Mad
May u hav many many many many many happy yrs together!
I hope i get 2 meet u guys fer real 1 day
*brings in a basket of vowels and throws vowels in mad n mike's general direction*
wat? thr jus as good as petals

Adding my Congratulations to the happy couple!

*throws consonants at Mad and Mike*

I don't want the vowels to be lonely.

Giant Frog is not a fellow bloglit, but I did meet him online.

I should post more, but these days I can't think of funny, witty comments as often as I used to.

*gets hit by falling "O"*


Was it a BIG O, fud?

*trapped in gutter this morning....trying to claw her way out*

yes. In fact it was the Only reasOn i chOse that letter.

*tackles Bangi*


"How'd you meet?"

"Oh, we both wore pirate costumes to a book signing in a Costco."

"Um..." *backs away slowly*

Seriously: Congrats, and good for you for turning your mutual interest in the works of Dave into a lifelong committment.

I thought the letter was supposed to choose you, not the other way around.

Hmmmm... Or maybe I've been going at Big O's the wrong way.

M-in-K - I can fix that.

Congratulations, Mikey! Best Wishes, Mad!
May two of the neatest, sweetest folks I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, have a wonderful lifetime full of laughter and joy!

mmmmmmmmm simul.............

hugs and best wishes, Mike and Mad, from me, too!

What a sweet story! Congrats to Mad and Mike!

oh wait..u mean 'tackled' ..not 'tickled'

Congrats to Mad & Mike. Friendship and laughter is a great foundation for a marriage!

Hey, Ridley, I just finished "Parallel Lies." Loved it -- and snorked at the description of the NURR Personnel Director's cubicle, including the "Dave Barry for President" button!

Gasp! A useful vowel! Although either one works, really.

*tickles Bangi* (and gives her a big ole' *smooch!*)


KDF said "Yayyy!!! Mike and Mad got married AND blogged!!!"

Then it has been officially consummated!

This kind of story just makes me smile from ear to ear. CONGRATS guys!

My hubby and I "met cute" too. You'll get a lot of cocktail party mileage out of that, BTW!

And, HI, RIDLEY! Loved seeing your photos from 2004 and now! Lookin' good, dude!


Much happiness Mad and Mike. Looking forward to meeting you both!

Congratulations Mad and Mike!

Congrads to the both of you. Now who are you going to name your child after Dave or Ridley?

Maybe Didley?

Didley's better than Rave.

Didley Weasel

Interesting name for a kid. OR, Dave and Ridley could use that as a name for a character in an upcoming book.

I can't think of a better criterion for spouse-picking than shared allegiance to The Blog.

May your sad moments be as rare as Dave's serious columns, and handled as tenderly and gracefully. May the rest of your lives be one frickin' marital *snork* after another!

((((HUGS)))) from Chicago:)

wOOt!! Congratulations, guys! {{{{Mike & Mad}}}}}
May you live a long happy life together!

Congratulations to Dr. Mad & Mr. Weasel!

This is so cool.

Yes, he could become the Ron Weasley of Dave and Ridley's series.

Just back from the wedding - yes, I was the lucky (and lone) bloglit at the Queen Mary in Long Beach. A very small, intimate affair, complete with GLH (Giant Leetie-head) and Dave Barry-goodness. A link to pictures and commentary to follow, as soon as this little man with a jackhammer stops pounding the inside of my brain....

Thanks, Higgy!! here's a little something to chase away the jackhammer.


We've been waiting all day for a report (including details we women want to know; i.e. Mad's shoes, dress, etc) and pics!!!

oh, how amazing
bloglits in matrimony
who provides boogers?

Doc Mad and Weasel
marriage made in piratedom
not making this up

coming up empty
WriterDude's haikus too weak
*apes what Betsy said*

Hig, try some soy sauce with those fries.

Proposed new rule: Any bloglits who get married have to end their vows with "I swear I'm not making this up."

Excellent, Lisa!

We were almost in on the beginning of this when Mad came to the AARP Convention in Vegas for our first blogmeet/Dave book signing, but Weasel couldn't make it that weekend.

But we could tell she was interested even then.

I think the wedding was also graced by the Leetiehead but we'll have to wait for the pictures to be sure.

Best of everything to Mikey and Mad!

And hello, Bangi....long time no sizzle!

Jeff- ;-)

*waits patiently to see wedding pics*


Have a Coke.

OK, Cat: let's hear the story.

And Higgy, hurry up with those details!

Bangi and Graz... feels like old times! It's a wonderful occasion to gather and celebrate.

*passes around drinks while we wait for pictures*

On behalf of all of the other newbies,
It's really nice to hear from some seasoned veterans. Hope you'll stick around.
*still missing Annie-Where*

Thanks, neo, I needed that. (104 here today)
*paces floor, curious to see Higgy's posts*

Long time no Graz, hence long time no sizzle


Bangi, Graz hangs out on the mesage board and there's a very cool (read: hot) picture of him whenever he posts. I've *ahem* started spending some time over there myself. ;)

mmmmmmmmmmmm Coke
*cant wait to see pics*

Didley Weasel

before he/she is toilet-trained will Didley squat?

*whispers to El*
"don forget da blog...da msgboard has a way of kidnapping bloggers"

whr is eadn i wonder...he does kno abt the wedding..rite?

eadn hsnt bn arnd fr qut awhl, Bng.

and snork@insom!

*runs in panting*

Ok, ok, I've uploaded the pictures to snapfish and sent judi a link. Judi, if you'd like bigger shots of any of the pictures, please just send me an email and I'll be happy to send the full images to you. Several will be blogged by me on my site as well.

It was a lovely day for a wedding in Long Beach. A nice breeze offset the humidity and 90 degree weather. Mad and Mike were the last wedding of the day in the Royal Chapel on the Queen Mary - and they got started about 4:45pm.
Mike came out to "Highland Wedding March" and Mad walked down the aisle with her dad to the "here comes the bride" wedding march. Mike was in a tux - we were hoping for a kilt! Mad looked lovely in a ivory strapless dress. I think I was supposed to mention something about her shoes here, but I'm a guy and those details escape me!
A short and sweet ceremony was performed by a pastor, with two readings done by friends. Then it was out on the Sun Deck for a group photo, and we all headed to the Chelsea restaurant (also on board) for the reception.
Dinner was excellent; some sweet toasts by the best man, bridesmaid and some family; cake cutting (with excellent face-smooshing-goodness) and free-flowing refreshing beverages. A lot of folks there with excellent senses of humor.
Mad and Mike gave everyone signed Dave Barry books as favors! Mike had designed stickers that Dave then signed (on his birthday!) and they put one on the inside cover of either "Guide to Marriage and/or Sex" or "Peter and the Starcatchers"!
Lisa and I confused the heck out of everyone with the Giant Leetie-head, and we have an excellent shot of Mike kissing the GLH over Mad's body! A fun time was had by all.

sigh..i know...but mayb he reads the blog sometimes.
smooches n gnite every1 :)

Hope luv finds u all, or having found u, stays close

Higgy - awesome!!!!

Now for the pics...

judi, judi, judi, judi!!!

*snorks* to all!

Such Happy News! May Mr. and Mrs. share many years of wedded bliss!

Great report, Higgy!

dave barry books as favors: excellent!
as i mentioned earlier, i asked Dave to sign a copy of "Guide to Marriage and/or Sex" as a wedding gift for my best friend, with whom I had bonded over Dave Barry books, snorking at sleepovers, for many years.
She called me last Friday after returning from her honeymoon and said "I loved your present! I can't believe you got him to sign it! Nathan (the groom) was amazed, I read it to him on the trip back, and he loved it."


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