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June 07, 2006


From the headline, we naturally assumed this story was about Donald Trump.

(Thanks to Justin Barber)


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There are no words....

They wait until the third paragraph to tell you that it's pronounced "Dixit". *Of course* they waited!

... or Mark Cuban.

"Dikshit (pronounced Dixit)" - yeah, sure it is!

it is.

"dixit" is the Indian pronunciation

in english it's pronounced "trump"

If I change my name to Dikshit can I be a billionaire too?

BTW you could pronounce it any way you want.

On the other hand,
If you were a billionaire, wouldn't you pay to have your name changed?

I'd change mine to Thurston Howell IV or something....

So bad. So wrong.

BUT ~ Wouldn't it be cool to have an Indian country music band called the "Dikshitty Chicks"

the Dikshitty Chicks? BWAHAHAHAHA!

and, according to the google translator, dikshit is spelled exactly the same way in english, french and german


*snork* at Punkin!

beer time

*zips in with hands on hips*


I love The Donald and I'm taking serious umbrage at this whole thread which I consider an outrage!

Toto, that isn't even clever - I feel bad for you and your oh so lame attempt at humor at the expense of The Donald.

And I like The Dixie Chicks too, so you can all go stuff yourselves into a sausage wrapping!

*zips out in a major huff*

*snork* @ "Even if the stakes are dribbled out over time..."

El ~ You like Mr. Combover???? Figures....you like the Spankees, too. :P

TC - Thanks for the guffaw. You and I seem to have the same sense of humor. (I am the drunken lobstahman on the Canadian thread) Be afraid....

Jeannie - I am very proud to be snork-inducing. :)

stuff yourselves in a sausage wrapping?


nice huff El!

BTW, for future reference, sausage is stuffed into a casing

*ignoring punkin*

The Donald has a new reality show coming out this fall - he's going to take some old farts and show them how to impress the ladies with their hairstyles. It's called:
"Extreme Combover"

Toto, I was trying to speak plainly. I wasn't sure if you'd know what a casing was. :-)

Annie, that was a cruel comment.But it did make me laugh.(coughs up hairball)

Oh, I wish i wuz in dikshiti, a-WAY...a-WAY

In dikshiti land, I'd make my stand (ick)

To live and die in dikshiti.

nice try save El

Annie - at least tonite I can GUARANTEE that the Sox WON'T LOSE!!!!!!!

(please let me take my nuggets of joy where I can find them....)

YAY Punkin!!!

Memo: "YAY" good for tonight only.

Toto: I was pretty pleased with myself. :)

beer time

Punkin - the WHITE Sox are playing Detroit right now, so....hold your nuggets!

El - Please don't type so quickly - TC can't keep up. Besides, if you had said 'casing', TC would have assumed 'shell casing.'

And now we know that MoFaux has hair issues. ;)

Punkin', MY nuggets of joy, well, um, never mind.

punkin, the drunken lobstahman was you?!?

that was lol funny. :)

Thanks, Southerngirl. Thanks for the nugget, El.

Uh, Obi, I think you need to enjoy your nuggets alone. Maybe with some special sauce....

*Sox rained out - going to bed early now*

would it be too tacky to suggest another great name for a ROCK BAND???

who started that???....oh yeah. Now I know

Ah, Punkin', jus' tryin' ta make a joke... Actually, was hopin' some o' the SINGLE women on the thread picked up on it (Hey, ya' never know!!! IT COULD HAPPEN!!!) Since I follow the Rockies (NL- where the pitchers are actually PART of the team!!!), I haven't kept up on how the BOSOX (AL) are... (NO, to the rest of the blog, that's NOT BOTOX) (continuing...) are doing, but at the last I heard, they're looking to at least challenge the Yanks, AGAIN...

(Retrospective... gotta give a high fiver to Maris in '61, and all the years Mantle was there (and kudos to DiMaggio, Ruth, Stengel, Berra, and NEVER to forget Gehrig), but never liked the Yanks, because, well, at least since '73, I was always a "NL uses 9 players like a REAL baseball team, AL uses 10 players like a REAL softball team... kind o' guy" YOU DO THE MATH!!!!)

Snork @ MoFaux

Snork @ El

Snork @ punkin

What a moron!

(I seem to be saying that a lot lately.)

Obi, I think you may need to go take your meds and lie down. Or, go have a honkin' huge mojito.

Marf, MY choice would be the mojito(s)... the SMART choice would be the meds and lie down... (strumming chin and wondering.....Hmmmmm....)

And sorry for the WTMI...


Obi, I think a mojito is always an excellent choice - who the hell cares if it's the smart choice or not? I mean, this IS the Yankees we are talking about here (okay, I admit, I don't like them either. I dated a Mets fan for years and he turned me against them), so why would smart figure into it at all?


marfie - not sure which is worse - dating a Mets fan, or letting your boyfriend tell you what team to like.

Don't panic, but U the O has been missing ever since 6-6-6, and my foil hat is gone... and I really miss my foil hat.

Panic not necessary ... planning to party may be optional, however ... as noted on "LAST" thread ...

Been sorta slumping, mentally ... not much to say ... merely acquired Larry the Cable Guy's book Git-R-Done yesterday [as a gift for MB(RH?), ISIANMTU/SHMBSJ ...] and that's helpin' my state-of-mind a bit ...

Primary cause/reason/excuse for slump is weather-related ... no werk (other than toting and lifting and minor mechanical tasks) since Tuesday ... merely sittin' in the motel room ... doin' ... not much ... sorta depressin' ...

I'll try to do better ... merely ... tryin' ...

... and ... BTW ... tnx 4 lendin' me some perspective on the world, as to where I rank and moi ownself's relative importance ... and such ...

seriously ...

been dealin' with a bit of PMS (male version, I can explain later, if needed) and that wuz the breath of fresh air I needed to clean out some mental cobwebs ...

... and ... sorry, I haven't seen your foil hat ... but I'll keep an eye out for it ...

How much is the reward?

Mr Dickshit's holding in this venture is worth around $1.14 billion. I guess he can pronounce his name (and do pretty much anything else) as he likes it.
BTW, my ex wife's pet name for me was (is) dipshit.
She pronounced it the same as you just did.

there was a clergy of that last name here in albany. we all snorked reading it in the newspaper a few yrs ago. but dont know what happened to him..

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