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June 07, 2006


When will they quit pretending incompetence to get out of doing chores?

(Thanks to Juliet)


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but what a maroon

on the other hand, i bet he doesn't have to worry about getting the grease stains out of his clothes any more

Come on, Judi, give the guy some credit. He probably wanted to go shopping for a new, shiny, top-of-the-line machine that sorts, washes, dries, and folds the laundry, plus arranges the clothes in outfits that will generate just the right level of eye-rolling from his wife.

chuga chuga chuga chua BLAM!

Uh...I am not so sure I'd want this guy to be fighting a fire at MY house.

You mean that's dangerous?!

Then I can't use kerosene for fabric softener either!?

Give that man a Mensa Medal.

I don't know. Given the price of gas, wouldn't it just have been cheaper to buy new clothes?


(adding to previous comment) ..even before you consider the cost of a new washer and the inevitable cleaning etc. Does insurance cover stupidity?

Dang, I've got that same Nautica t-shirt. Of course, mine's still bright green. I suppose I could fix that if I put a little gasoline in my next load of wash....

This definitely gets an "Honorable Mention" from Darwin Awards!!

I'm pretty sure that it says on the washer not to put anything with gasoline on it in the washing machine. Lemme go check... yep, it's printed on the inside of the lid. Maybe he can't read?

come on ya'll, it's a man who does laundry, apparantly with success for quite some time! i think he deserves an award. besides the almost darwin award he should get.

Not the brightest flame in the candelabra?

candela = the SI base unit of luminous intensity
bra = rampart-holder

so... something like this?

Important aside...I live in the community where Whirlpool is based, and I recall reading about some slightly smarter folks who washed clothes saturated with regular cooking oil. The detergent didn't remove the oil well enough, and when the dryer reaches peak temp if you open it, KABLOWIE (TM Batman). They even tested this to make sure. Yep, it burns.

BTW, that little tidbit IS in your dryer manual. :-)

wow - you guys actually seem to think that people read things like warning labels and owners manuals

and besides, even if you do read the warnings, haven't you ever wanted to do exactly what you've been warned not to do? just to see what'll happen?

not even just a little bit?

Another chapter in the "Hold My Beer I Can Do This" compendium.

I don't see this as a way to escape chores, nor as a symptom of a lack of common sense.

I see gasoline in washing machines as a competitive sport, like the guys Dave wrote about who suck petrol into vacuum cleaners.

C'mon Dave - which brand of washing machine creates the biggest bang? Is avgas better than unleaded? It is your duty as a humour columnist to find out and tell us. With pictures.

Have Dave do this? Heck, have the Mythbusters do this. Potential large explosions and appliances. This sort of thing is right up their alley.

He must have just gotten home from his MENSA meeting and through in some wash.

I mean, how bright does he sound?

Johnson recalls the moment of the explosion, "I seen a ball of fire come up from the sink. You know I made it towards the door. It blew me out of the laundry room and on to the steps."

on the other hand, i bet he doesn't have to worry about getting the grease stains out of his clothes any more.

True, but he probably has to clean the brown tracks out of his shorts.

Jeff!! That's really GROSS!!!
(I know, I know, you try)

Not to mention, this was reported by a pretty perky newsteam

*RATS, didn't work...

fudtheman, or others who know how to link to pictures, would appreciate feedback on what I'm doing wrong...

Obi - I'm not sure what's going wrong. It should work the same as links, if you know how to do those. Otherwise, here's an example:

(a href="http://www.8notes.com/wiki/images/180px-Chicagocrotch---1bm.jpg")Click here to see an awesome picture!(/a)

Replace ( with <, and ) with > and the result is

Click here to see an awesome picture!

In the previous post, the (a href-"... should all be on one line. Silly margins!

What a moron!

Sorry I misssed your call for help, obi. I've actually been doing real work the last few days. Thanks, Bis for filling in for me.
Anyway, seems to me as if I've seen this in a Charlie Chaplin film.
Interestingly enough, I searched for "use gasoline to remove stains" in Google, and pretty much all of the results were preceeded by the words "DO NOT".

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