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June 05, 2006


We feel safer now. Keep up the good work!

(Thanks to Mary)


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Yes, it's time we fought back against child-on-adult violence. *gimme a break*

It would have just been a misdemeanor but she was holding a Pop Tart.

I'd hate to know what kind of major offence my cousin commits when she sings during fire drills at school.

Counseling! That's what's wrong with this society..coddling criminals like they're six-year-.... Oh. Never mind.

I don't understand why they didn't just send her to the corner.

Well, the police are under a lot of pressure down there since your officials are getting indited all over the place and didn't a sheriff just get charged for something? I mean, you gotta crack down somewhere...

Option 1)
Call the mother in (I assume she has no father at home) and ask the mother why the mother allows the child to act like that, and what the mother intends to do about it;

Option 2)
Paddle the do-do out of the little girl's butt and tell her if she does it again, she will be out of public ed faster than boiled asparagus;

Option 3)
Continue to allow such brattiness from children such as that and watch our culture go further down-the-tubes.

doug, special education students with behavior problems only come from single parent homes? wonder what kind of home life the teacher and the cop have...

"... line up, children, today we're going to learn the 'perp walk'..."

boiled asparagus is not allowed in public ed?

*SNORK* @ you know who!


Kids have no respect for adults. My 4 yr old grandaughter sneezed in my face, on purpose, and then laughed. I said "Emily, that is NOT nice and it's NOT funny!"

She stared me in the eye and said "It's not nice, but, yeah, it's funny!"

I pepper-sprayed her and then called the police.

*SNORK!* at Dr. D! (just because he doesn't like it) ;)

What IF the kid has been an ongoing terror and the parents aren't doing anything about it? Maybe the TA decided to press charges so they'd be forced to take the kid to counseling.

}----Snork Shield Up ----{
I sure do love challenging a certain lot of you; some of you do bristle-a-mite.

Surely there is more to the story and this is extremely edited and biased. This is too bizarre to be an isolated and / or first offense.

Clearly not everyone understands the ridiculous restrictions of public school systems and the fears they are rife with:

>Option 1)
>Call the mother in (I assume she has
>no father at home) and ask the mother
>why the mother allows the child to act
>like that, and what the mother intends
>to do about it;

Bad assumption. Just because a kid is poorly behaved, it doesn't mean there's no father at home. Bad kids have fathers, too.

But say you call the parent and they say "You're the teacher. What the kid does at school is your problem, not mine." What then? Yes, this happens.

>Option 2)
>Paddle the do-do out of the little
>girl's butt and tell her if she does
>it again, she will be out of public
>ed faster than boiled asparagus;

Allow me to introduce you to the ACLU. And the school system's lawyer. And the kid's lawyer. And the media. Can you say "Thanks for interviewing me, Katie?"

Let a teacher spank a kid and before the ink is dry on the legal briefs, the teacher will be the one out of public ed -- for good.

>Option 3)
>Continue to allow such brattiness
>from children such as that and
>watch our culture go further down-the-tubes.

See the previous comments about the ACLU and bad parents. Which way does a culture spin as it goes down the drain? Does it have anything to do with the equator?

The teacher should call the parent in and the parent should punish the child. The parent should not say "But this is my little angel bumpkins. She would never do this" and threaten to sue the teacher/school/ schoolboard/ government etc etc. If the parent won't punish the child, the parent should be punished. I recommend something along the lines of tied up and locked in a room for hours while sugared up pre school "angels" dance around them shrieking and smearing noxious substances on them.

Summer'scool - pretty sure the comments were made tongue in cheek. realx and roll with the punnies...

er, I mean, relax

In California you have to be 7 years old before you are considered to understand legally the difference between right and wrong and be prosecuted.

Whether or not there's a father in the home.

Before I get my hackles up, amen, Summer'scool. That is just part of why I left teaching.

And, Somewhere North, that would have been one of the best days of my life if that were an option. Of course, on the other end of the spectrum is the one grandmother I called who told me, "You can use a broom handle on him. I won't tell on you."

My understanding from the article is that this was a special education student with behavioral problems. Makes it a whole different situation.

Summer'scool is right about the ACLU for point #2, sadly. I realize that people have gone overboard when disciplining their kids, but it's really too bad that the "Board of Education" isn't an option anymore in some cases, because a lot of kids today lack that sense of fear that many of us had when we were growing up. I saw the business end of my mom's Kappa Delta paddle a few too many times when I was a kid, but it helped keep me grounded in right vs. wrong. To this day, I try to avoid situations where I might "get in trouble," because I hate the way it makes me feel. Many of today's kids lack that perspective, because their actions lack consequences (or, in this case, the consequences are grossly out of proportion to the offense).

*descends soapbox*

I have a dear friend of 20 years, who has a daughter who needed special ed and had major behavioral problems. By the time the daughter was 12, she was taller than her mom, and out-weighed her. My friend had rarely laid a hand on her. Finally, she was fed up with people reporting to her that her daughter had done some violent thing or other to another person. She started doing to her daughter what her daughter had done to others, all the while explaining that this was how those people felt when she was attacking them. It worked. Her daughter had had no idea that these other people could feel pain. She is, after all, less able to understand.

Paddle the ACLU.

Woot!!! I got posted!!! My first time.

Is it me or is it hot in here?

Dr. Doug: yes, kids are badly behaved. Yes they need to be punished. But a FELONY CHARGE? For a SIX YEAR OLD??? A six year old FELON? Lets say the little kid kicked the assistant teacher in the ankle every day for the last YEAR. Does she deserve to have a criminal record hanging over her head for the rest of her life? Anyway, how accurate is a person's behavior as a six-year-old a predictor of thier future. I remember my little cousin was positively EVIL at six. I was certainly kicked in the ankle more than once. She flew into a berserker rage every time someone looked at her. Her parents were pretty much at a loss for what to do. Eventually though, she calmed down on her own. She just graduated as salutatorian from highschool. She's big into community service and is heading off to an expensive college on a full scholarship. Heck, I was pretty bad at six, and I'm not exactly Hannibal Lechter either. On the other hand, Jeffery Dahmer (who grew up about 3 miles from me) was always described as a quiet and polite child.

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