Please check to see which airline you're flying.
(Thanks to Karl Weckstrom)
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Please check to see which airline you're flying.
(Thanks to Karl Weckstrom)
It's time for Horror TV.
(Thanks to ShadowKatmandu)
UNRELATED UPDATE: Seriously, folks. Please stop sending in stories about the breast-exam guy.
I am sitting in the Detroit airport (that's what I do with my spare time; sit in airports) and I am reporting that Mr. Stevie Wonder just walked by.
UPDATE: I am also reporting that the Detroit airport is WAY nicer than the Miami airport. Maybe we should steal it.
(Here's an explanation, sort of)
Be very careful.
Didn't somebody already do this?
(Thanks to Gregg W. Jackson, this blog's old college roomie)
They're very excited about the World Cup.
(Thanks to Frank Smith)
And we're not even going to add "So far."
(Thanks to many people)
it's 6 a.m. here at the Miami International Airport and Permanent Construction Zone. I'd like to buy a newspaper, but I can't: The newspaper stand on my concourse isn't open yet. Must be too early for them, even though there are thousands of people here waiting for planes. Fortunately the airport p.a.-system volume is cranked way up, so while we sit, not reading newspapers, we can enjoy the sound of loud airport pseudojazz. Nothing like a wailing sax at 6 a.m., except maybe root canal.
We found out about this from judi, whose reaction was, and we quote, "Yowza."
Father wants this.
(Thanks to Joshua Evans)
From the headline, we assumed this was another Tom Cruise story.
(Thanks to everybody)
If you are reading this, then I have managed to blog from my new phone, which I have spent so much time with in the past 24 hours that my wife is, frankly, jealous.
It is time to purchase your earplugs.
(Denver and LA residents: You, too.)
(Thanks to Claire Martin)
(Thanks to Mr. Gene Weimgarten)
(Thanks to Jimmy Madigan)
I have not been blogging much today because I dropped my phone, so I got a new phone, which means I have been shuttling back and forth between my house and the phone store trying to get the email part of my new phone to work. The phone store is 83 blocks from my house, and I have made three round trips so far in Miami traffic, which means in the past four hours I have taken 23 years off my life.
The good news is that, if I ever get my new phone to work, it has a less-crappier (but still crappy) CrapCam. But that is a mighty big "if." Right now I am blogging this from the phone-store computer, which they are letting me use because at this point I am viewed as practically an employee. Robert (the guy who has been helping me) has taken my phone into the Back Room. I think maybe he is beating it with a pipe. That's what I would do. We have tried everything else.
Gotta go now. I have a customer.
Don't let stick-figure Jack die!
(Thanks to Russell Mc)
We love The Smoking Gun.
I just read the comments, and the excellent (as usual) recap by the badly overcaffeinated always excellent Steve, and I want to make sure I understand this correctly: Jack could have saved the nation, or saved Audrey, and HE PICKED AUDREY??
Anyway, good work by everyone. Except Jack, who is starting to seem less manly than Chloe.
Because I have something better to do of an unavoidable scheduling conflict, I will be unable to watch 24 tonight. Once again I'll be relying on you commenters to provide your random brain ejaculations thoughtful analysis on tonight's action.
And there is probably going to be a lot of action tonight. Here is where the plot stands, as far as we have been able to determine using powerful university supercomputers:
Edgar is still dead.
Jack Bauer is trying to take down the President of the United States for his role in the Killer Kanister plot, which very nearly caused hundreds of thousands of innocent viewers to die of boredom.The president has ordered the CTU to arrest Jack. This is not really a big deal. The CTU gets ordered to arrest Jack roughly every 45 minutes, and it never works out.
Working on Jack's side against the president and the entire U.S. government are deceased former president Allstate's brother Wayne, as well as Chloe and Audrey. Not to beat a dead horse, but: Audrey continues to eat up huge chunks of air time. They should just call the show 24 Hours of Audrey and be done with it.
Anyway, last week Audrey contacted her father, Secretary of Defense William Devane, who has been flying around in his official government jet since last year, waiting to return to the plot.Tonight, according to the previews, he will confront President Manilow. Also there will be helicopters and of course shooting.
That is where we stand. I look forward to your comments. Please remember that literally billions of people depend on this blog for accurate information about 24, so please do not post any comment unless you are totally 100 percent certain that you have had a couple of beers. Thank you, and good luck.
That would be Chloe.
(Thanks to ArcticAl)
(Thanks to Michael)
And yet it's right here, on the Internet.
(Thanks to Fane Henderson)
Because our Easter Bunny can beat up your Easter Bunny.
UPDATE: More info here, thanks to Justin Hagerman.
Here comes DEA Guy.
(Thanks to chicomathmom, first of many)
(Thanks to Drew Harchick. We don't want to know what you were looking for when you found this.)
Also, young.
(Thanks to Claire Martin)
Everybody watches. Everybody.
(Thanks to James in NC)
This just in on the Buccoo Goat Festival:
Among the goats that are expected to be in the limelight at both Mt Pleasant and Buccoo are Equaliser, Kyls Hero, Sweet Berry, Guinea Pepper, Malta Carib, Uncle Sam and Nuclear Missile.
(Thanks to Geoff Millener)
There's a photo in the Canton Repository (yes, the Canton Repository) but you may have to register to see it.
(Thanks to Cyndi Schoenbrun)
(Thanks to Russell Mc)
...and now this.
My brother Phil found this photo from Easter, 1958. At left is my sister, Kate, holding our little brother, Sam. Phil's in the middle, and I am the Easter-basket-holding dweeb on the right. We're standing in the house we grew up in, in Armonk, N.Y. My dad, who probably took this photo, built most of that house himself. He wasn't a builder; he was a Presbyterian minister who didn't have enough money to hire somebody to build a house, so he sort of learned as he went along. We grew up with lots of unfinished surfaces.
It feels as if this picture was taken a million years ago.
Anyway, happy Easter to all of you. If you're lucky enough to be with family, bear in mind that no matter what it feels like, life is, in fact, mighty short.
Here's the diet for (ribbit) you.
(Thanks to Addicted to 24)
The one where you eat a room.
(Thanks to April Krueger)