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March 29, 2006


In Vitro Meat

(Thanks to DavCat14)


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In meatro .. It's whats for dinner.

Another fine Star Trek luxury come to life. My gut instinct was one of revulsion, then I thought "WOW - Star Trek in the kitchen" - so it's all good now!

Sorry. The last red meat The Sardonicynic had was when he accidentally bit his tongue.

"Whatcha workin' on, Mister Science?"
"I'm cooking up a slab o' frog, Billy!"

I thought chicken McNuggets were already being created in a lab.

Soylent Green was really Frog's.

Meatwad lives!!!

"electrical stimulation works, as well as stretching and shrinking the fibers"

oh, the teen years...

"Some people...": SNORK--you beat me to it. That's what I was thinking.

I was going along with the idea, sort of, until they got to the group of investors who wanted to grow their own human flesh to eat. END. Nope. Soylent Green!

Quote: One group, which he would not name, did offer him money, but they wanted him to grow meat from human cells, so they could grow pieces of themselves to eat.

I was thinking about some 'brings new meaning to the term EAT ME' comment but this is too disgusting. I'm not going there.

*Considers vegetarianism*

Nah, I still love a good steak. :)

The payoff for reading all three pages:

In the past few years, scientists have grown more than meat in their labs. In 2002, researchers in Japan reported they had grown tadpole eyeballs from scratch. In 2003, scientists in the United States announced that they had successfully grown a rabbit penis in the lab.

If we only grow the meat we realy want to eat, what will they make spam from.

The key comment is "Most of the flavour in burgers and nuggets now sold in grocery stores or restaurants comes from seasoning or filler, he said." That's the stuff made out of real meat. So what would the real difference be if we were eating lab created meat - new and better flavoring?

If we only grow the meat we realy want to eat, what will they make spam from.

Thot stimulating quote: ... rather than cut from a farm animal ...

So ... they just chase ol' Bossy thru the kitchen and chop off a chunk?

Also ... reminds me of the old joke about the pig with a wooden leg ...

KC Steve...I, too, reaped the reward of reading to the end. However, my reaction when I read, "In 2002, researchers in Japan reported they had grown tadpole eyeballs from scratch. In 2003, scientists in the United States announced that they had successfully grown a rabbit penis in the lab."

...was the inevitable: this HAD to involve guys.

*Cheers* to insom for the ATHF reference. I LOVE that show.

How much do you want to bet that the group, "which he would not name," is PETA? I remember hearing one of those folks say that 'Eating animals is just like eating people.' I'm sure that growing commercial people meat would tickle them pink.

Why am I eating a salad while trying to catch up on the blog after being lost for many days on the Kilt thread?

This is obviously poor planning on my part.
But you're so far behind.
But I'm hungry.
Then tough it out. Move on to the next one. Maybe it won't be so gross.

Big deal. I know some teenagers who grew a play-doh penis in a pre-school.


Mmmm.. Cloned ME-at...

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