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January 09, 2006


But not like this.

(Thanks to Atticusser)


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That is cool. And what's just as cool...FIRST!

And the "You" is AC/DC.

Is there anybody there? btw, I am going back and forth writing songs and commenting. I'm not cheating.

Hat trick?

I'm here. That is cool. I'll waste more time on it tomorrow; I've really got to get to bed. judi's up late, huh? G'night!

'night, Bumble.

Yay! SG got a hat trick!!!

yeah, it's late ... only 9 p.m. on SoCal time, but it was a tiring day ...

g'nite ... mebbe ...

Just as I'm heading to bed, that gets posted and I CAN'T STOP!!

first attempt contained some difficult concepts for the unheavenly choir:

My heart is in the grocery cart
Bananas cry out loud
The celery is wilting fast
It's lonely in the crowd.

but it can handle the second version

My heart is on the hillside
My feet are on the ground
My sweetheart's in the jailhouse
and love is all around.

But it's definitely not a toe-tapper.

Two things:

1. This thing doesn't have "copacabana" in its vocabulary, so it is unable to reproduce the oevre of a certain singer.

2. It is now my goal to identify the source of as many of the words as I can. This may take a while. But, it was pretty easy to hear that "Girls" was Cyndi Lauper. And, copacabana isn't even in its vocabulary, so I won't need to puzzle that one out.

Also, enjoy this one while it lasts because it may be violating the copyrights of a lot of folks (fair use be darned), though not of anyone who ever sang the word "copacabana."

I have to say, the Star Spangled Banner is actually pretty much improved by this...thingy.

And I think I could sing it if I had to.

Of course, after drinking two bottles of Southern Comfort.

"Come" sounds like Harry Belafonte from the Banana Boat Song. "Man" is from When a Man Loves a Woman. I gotta get some sleep, though.

I typed in badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, mushroom, mushroom. But, it just wasn't the same.

"Mama" is Queen and "take" is A-ha. I may not get much done for a while.

The other thing you can do is copy peoples' posts from this blog into the thingy and thereby enhance productivity even more.

I wonder if we can connect Babelfish to it so that it can translate other languages into English, then into song?

There's a Country-music version of this thing - no matter what you write, it always sounds the same.

Louis Armstrong is world

I typed in Fred, and the thing sounded pretty stressed-out over it.

Annie -

That's the neo-country music version ... type in Jimmie Rodgers, Hank Williams or Patsy Montana and ... um ... nevermind ...

The link is not working for me, anyone have an alternate route?

Broken -

I'm no expert (severe understatement), but I suspect the link has Daveblogitis: it's simply unable to handle the sudden increase in traffic that this blog may have generated.

Wouldn't be the first victim of this dreaded malady.

(Sorry, no alternate route to offer).

Anyone tried the Swedish version yet?

Who wants to hear people sing "Let them sing it for you?"

*zips in*

It's working now. I just sent Can You Hear The Drums Fernando to a friend of mine, then AFTER sending I played it and it was dorky - I'm so ashamed....

*zips out*

In Dave's honor, I typed in

"I am," I said
To no one there
An no one heard at all
Not even the chair

The result is pretty cool, and, I think, even includes Diamond's "am"!

"butt" is John Travolta and Olivia Newton John from "Summer Nights". Don't ask me why I put "butt" in there..... Ok, it was to ask if they had "Clone-a-Butt". Quotey, quote, quote.

Again, in Dave's honor, I tried

na na-na na-na
na-na na-na
na-na na
na-na na
na-na na-na

Came out sounding like the Land of A Thousand Slow Deaths.

I did:

I'm singing in the rain
just singing in the rain
what a glorious feeling
I'm happy again

"Singing" is actually Gene Kelly, "Happy" is Gorillaz, and I think "Again" is Twitney.

"Glorious" it reads as three different words, including the annoying "I" (or, rather, "Aiiiieee")

Well, my productivity is surely enhanced.
I tried the Preamble to the Constitution
(sorry, I don't know how to do the cool links) which completely blew the singers' minds. Lots to the annoying "I" clip from Roy Orbison. Its certainly not a patch on the School House Rock version...

Sorry, folks, but the extended and overly emotive "I" is from Chris Issak's "Wicked Game". Also, there's no mistaking Satchmo singing the word "world".

Lastly (Aunt Nancy, the other RHPS fan here, would probably approve of this) -- I typed in the first couple of lines from "Sweet Transvestite", and it broke "handyman" up into three parts, the "hand" sounding extremely Fab Four-ish.

I think I'll try the Gettysburgh Address next...

"I" is from Wicked Game by Chris Isaak.

That's all I've figure out.

"Barroom" and "Stairs" are from The Rolling Stones' "Honky Tonk Women"

I'm so pleased with myself for getting my 2nd entry on the blog. I only wish somebody were still actually reading this thread so they could congratulate me ;)

Just checkin' the mail ... congrats, Atticusser ...

MacArthur Park is melting in the dark...

"Me" is UB40, and there's definitely some Elvis singing "Unchained Melody."

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