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January 16, 2006


I hope everybody has recovered from last night. It was exhausting, but it was worth it, considering how much got accomplished. We started out with a typical quiet morning in Southern California, and we ended up with an airport full of innocent TV extras in extreme danger from actors with semi-Russian accents.

Of course it won't stop there. Jack Bauer and the 'puter-tappers at CTU wil not rest until the entire nation, if not the world, is in mortal peril. Today I will be traveling, as I begin being a shameless prostitute for promoting my book. So, tragically,  I will be unable to offer my in-depth analysis of tonight's two-hour episode. But at a little before 8 p.m. eastern clock time there will be a post here summarizing the situation and offering you a chance to post your comments during the show.

I am counting on you. The world is counting on you. Please for God's sake do not let us down, unless of course you have something better to do, such as sorting your laundry.


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Is Bauer still whispering?

I picture Dave walking around some bookstore with one of those trays hanging around his neck, calling out, "Book! FREEEESH books! Get your books here!"

Dave, you will be missed tonight, I promise you that. Unfortunately, my computer and TV are in completely different rooms, but I will do my best to post as much as possible. Barring that, I will shoot someone in the thigh in a show of solidarity.

Who is John Galt?

Lab...or he could be unshaven and seedy, standing in the shadows outside the bookstore, wearing a huge baggy overcoat with copies of the books hanging from the lining, whispering "Psssst...boooks???"

Lab -
Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand.

Eleanor: Here's a clue.

LabSpecimen, apparently he's "[email protected]." Bit of a letdown, really; I was expecting something grander, an inventor with a plan to stop the world, or something along those lines. Oh well.

Pssst, Eleanor --- It was Atlas Shrugged, not The Fountainhead. Right author, though -- hooray!

Wah, I thought the email was rather clever. It begs the other question, Where is John Galt? So, not really a let down after all, is it?

I can't believe Dave's going to be out prostitu....er, selling his book during 24. Will anybody come?

Dagny, Hank and I regularly read Dave's weblog.

Thanks for your interest. =:-)

Luckily I have nothing better to do tonight other than lots of homework, so I'll definitely be watching.

Dave, for the love of Dog, please please please have an east coast blog entry and a west coast blog entry. Last night, I managed to read that President Allstate was killed, and it just took the surprise out of it. Then I figured they were killing everyone from the last show off. Except the annoying ones, and the ones who they were going to "develop" more. A tattoo! Whoda thunk?

Where's Galt's john? I gotta go.

Wahooligan - thanks!
I read both, of course. They were mandatory reading for radicals back in the day! :)

Just curious, Eleanor, what's radical about personal responsibility?

John, what can I say?


Careful, you two. You're in danger of having a serious discussion there. I believe that's a punishable offense here at the blog.

And, given the original thread topic, I think you can guess what the punishment is.

An alternative 24 episode can be found here.

This thigh-shooting thing seems like it may be a good solution to the trials and tribulations of my humdrum everyday life, such as dealing with restaurant servers who get rude when I ask for a bowl of snake soup on a cold day... but, my question is, what is Jack Bauer's weapon of choice. I mean, I really want to do it right, yaknow....

Personal responsibility - isn't that a dirty phrase these days? I mean, it's not my fault that I have problems, is it? The government did it and the government should pay me while it solves all my problems. Right? Right?

*rolls eyes*

So Dave is coming to Seattle on Monday 1/30 for a 7pm book signing. Little does he realize that his evil plan to thwart my watching of 24 has failed. FOR I HAVE A HD TIVO BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. But seriously Dave you can come over and watch it at my place if you want.

Been reading all of these interesting comments, is this the Katrina/FEMA blog or 24?

Looks like Dave's shameless whoring for his new book

Looks like Dave's shameless whoring for his new book has paid off.

Can somebody give me a quick recap of last night's episode? I'm kind of confused.

Also, I don't know what happened on 24.

No Guin, it just looks like you're a week behind on the blog. This was the review that took great pains to make us naive readers know that Dave's book is a sendup, not actual financial advice. If the writer had been reviewing South Park, you know he would take great pains to refer to Cartman as a 4th grade cartoon embodiment of Al Bundy and Archie Bunker from the fictionalized town of South Park, Colorado. He would explain that Chef's salty balls are actually chocolate covered in salt, not sweaty testicles, and that the song just sounds dirty for comedic effect.

Here we goooooo...!

Missed the first 45 minutes. Cripes!

This is my first time to see this blog, and I LOVE it. I'll probably be on here more often now, since I too am a HUGE Jack Bauer fanatic.

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