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January 08, 2006


It's getting baaaaad.

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“on the side was a bag of intestines,”

Or if you like you could substitute coleslaw or our dinner salad.

(Geez...where IS everybody this morning???)

Perhaps a local restauranteur had it in his freezer for personal use, but heard the health inspectors were a-comin, so dumped the evidence?

Sounds as if the perp was simply too lazy to use a dumpster ...

Speaking of "pet goats" ... is "Howdya like to pet my goat" some sort of new euphemism for ... somethin' ... ???

Betsy: you forgot to mention that Bag of Intestines WBAGNFARB.

This happens once every 2 years!!!
OMGWTFBBQ!! I'ts an epidemic!
Call in the FBI!!

I got a speeding ticket in Tracy once driving from su.so.ca. to San Francisco, and I'm still bitter about it.
/end personal but related note

Police suspect the person responsible for killing the goat ate the meat and discarded what they couldn’t use.

Astounding powers of deduction.

Goat carcass investigated by officer McDonald. Hmmmm....

Was that a goat?

Yup. It WAS a goat.

I LOVED that scene, s'girl!

Tracy, CA
Motto: The town where someone is sure to get your goat.

We know where the head went. An anonomous delivery to a certain doorstep.

Kinda old goat for eatin' probably pretty tough...here in Texas we eat Cabrito quite often. We grill the young goats which are quite tasty and tender...mmmm

Typical. Sounds like another busy day in the news for Tracy. Thanks for the post. funny.

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