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November 24, 2005


I am thankful that I live in a great nation, a nation where anybody can run for president, including me. And I am thankful that I have a great Field Coordinator, Ted "This Is NOT a Mullet Hairstyle" Habte-Gabr, who even during the holiday season is out there in the field, coordinating the groundswell juggernaut of popular support for my candidacy. and garnering the endorsements of major celebrities such as Eric Idle, who, as we can see in this photo, supports me with 100% total enthusiasm.


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Good morning Dave, and HaPPy ThankSgivinG!! Good morning DaveBloggerites, and haPPy thanksGiving!! Frankly I'm thankful to live in a country where Dave can write what he writes and post what he posts and not be dragged off to an insane asylum, even though he should have been long ago.

Amen to that, Dave(NB).

Happy Turkey Day!

Is Eric standing in front of a dumpster or something?

He appears to be trying to avoid something quiet distasteful. Hmmmmmmm?

Happy Thanksgiving, All!

yo tambien

Dave Barry AND Eric Idle? ...going into... bliss... overload... must have more... turkey.... ack... (gurgle)

My coconut cream pie turned out well! Yay! Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Dave, you've got my vote as long as judi's VP. :-)


What Dave(NB) said!

moi aussi (to paraphrase judi)

Ich auch.

Happy Thanksgiving, Dave and Judi! And everyone else!

*comes in running*
*slips on banana peel*
*slides out of blog*

Happy thanksgiviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!

Happy Thanksgiving!

As Tropichunt.com guy says, "Happy Thanksgiving to Dave and Judi and everyone else." Stay safe tomorrow if you venture out to shop.

(I am assuming it would be the last thing either Dave or Judi would do (get up early and shop that is)!

ps This is from both Hagymom and Amanda. Are we the only blog mother and daughter contributors?

Happy Turkey Day! kiss and hug all of your friends and family until they pelt you with giblets.

Happy Thanksgiving to the Blog, Mrs. Blog, and Baby Blog, as well as to Judi! And remember, folks....You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant!

-- Guin (who was privileged to see Arlo at Boston Symphony Hall on Wednesday, performing his 40th Anniversary Alice's Restaurant Massacree Tour.)

Thanksgiving was a month ago. But I say giggle, and pig out, and hug your family close anyway. If it scares them, you don't go it enough ;)

And hey, Eric Idle would not have to plug his nose if he didn't raise his arm so high.

Oh, be still my heart. Mr. Idle. Sigh. Judi can we get pictures of Mr. Idle.


Picture was actually taken a while ago, but we lost the cable that goes from the camera to the 'puter. Turns out, we left it in Michigan the last time we were here to visit the parental unit. I give thanks for the weather in S. California. It's effing freezing here and snowing.

The FC.

Well Dave, ya' got John Cleese and Eric Idle. All you need now is Michael Palin, Terry Jones, and Terry Gilliam.

Now if you get Graham Chapman, I will be truly amazed. (For thoese who don't know, he's dead.)

Thanks for the card, kj - way cool!

Dave, Thanks for being Dave
Happy Thanksgiving!

Ted - it's so warm here in SoCal, we're going to sculpt a turkey out of ice cream and eat it outside on the patio. Sending you and yours some warm holiday wishes.

Ted - I'm in SoCal too and we're doing the same thing Annie WBH is - it looks great! Wish I had a CrapCam so I could send you a picture! :)

(Very) warms wishes from San Diego -

*zips out to change from T-shirt into tank top*

*fans self*

Eric Idle? Didn't he used to be funny about 30 years ago? Fortunately for us, Dave still is (funny, that is)!

Funny expires? Danged.

Can Eric Idle, John Cleese, etc, vote in a U.S. election? I don't think so. Next, Ted will be investigating un-American activities on the French Riviera. And is Eric Idle holding his nose because of a "hanging chad?"


Eric Idle just always had a very, very stinky upper lip.

His nose plugs must have fallen out.

It happens.


Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more.

Me thinks selecting the leader of the free world is too important of a responsibility to be left to Americans alone, so I say we open up the process.

In an unrelated matter, it is 14 degrees tonight in Michigan. That is just wrong. And I don't think that includes tha damn wind chill lake effect or whatever they call it.

Good thing you've got that extra hair down the back of your neck, Ted....

Don't need a scarf with that thing growing....

Teddy, if only you'd worked a little harder, you'd be having turkey in the White House tonight with Dave. Sure, you'd probably be at the kiddie table with Sophie, but still...

*cheesy grin*

*snork* @ Higgy
I just choked on my post-dinner Pop Tart!

Ted- I sympathize. It's 17 degrees here in Indiana. I spent most of the day sprawled out with a blanket on the enormous heat vents in our house when I wasn't busy eating the pie I squished or singing with the Bluegrass Buddies. Stay warm!

I sympathize,too. Tomorrow, it's supposed to get all the way down to 70 degrees. Break out the flannel boxers - brrrr!

Here, too. It's about 75 degrees. Walkin' around in shorts and flip flops. Just lovin' it!

Oh hush. Gloating is unseemly. :-P

Bumble! the coconut pie!?
you baked, you brought, you squished!!!?

We have between 2 and 3 inches of snow here. The roads were okay by noon time if you stayed on the main roads. Plans to go to a local restaurant fell through because one of my friends couldn't be out on the ice. Instead we picked up the food and ate from styrofoam with their fancy silverware and cloth napkins. It was spontaneous and the best thanksgiving that I've had in three years. The last three being Basic Training in SC, Mosul, IQ and western KY. Though props to the Iraqi's and Kurds who wished me a Happy Thanksgiving and think that it's a great holiday. May God bless all of you and I'm thankful I live in a country where I can say that.

Cyn~ See the thread above this one. Said pie did a belly-flop out of my hand onto the kitchen floor.

PS: sorry I was so long winded

BBee .. yeah, i caught it!

I'm NOT a celebrity - kin I vote for dave anyway????? monkeyshines - as a 21 year army civilian, and proud american - you and all our fine soldiers have my thanks, and deepest respect. hope all had a great turkey day.

I am thankful that my husband dropped that cranberry-marshmellow stuff that my neighbor gave me, which gave me an excuse to throw it away. I am thankful that no one put potato peels down the garbage disposal, I am thankful both of my dogs ate too much turkey and will sleep the rest of the month..

And... thanks to Dave for showing a picture of who looks like the guy I saw on TV last week in a trio with Steve Martin.(who was SO unknown to me, and is obviously so insignificant that his own jealousy of Dave he simply CANNOT control)

I LOVE AMERICA!! When we are down...WE GO SHOPPING!!
Also, I'm glad Dave is starting his campaign...he has to catch up with all the other candidates who started fifteen years ago..Hey, where can I get that sticker....!! I will be proud to put it on my car.

LOL Novanglus! (n clapping)

Eric Idle rocks. Great photo, and Dave has my vote in...what year is it?

Can you still get bumper stickers?

Great article! I can’t say the last time I read so much valuable information all in one place. You make strong points that I agree with and comprehend. You’ve done a great job on this.

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