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October 03, 2005


Check out the trailer for "Shining."

(Thanks to Omaha Bridget)


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Yay! (I'm so easily amused...)

What is the post about? My screen keeps getting taken over by this puke Adam Carolla.

Heh heh...all work and no play makes Dave a funny blogger... :)

I can see Hollywood seriously considering this new advertising approach for re-releases...

yeah, nothing warms my heart like an axe-wielding maniac

LOL -- my kids showed me this a week ago. It's a riot.


I cannot stop laughing!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!

You've got to be kidding me.

They've completely whitewashed the dark side.

I've been laughing over this for the past week. Even if you are looking at this saying, WTF???--the moment "Solsbury Hill" kicks in you have to be laughing.

I wonder if a spoof can qualify for The Golden Trailers...

*zips in*

I got the dreaded 404 "technical difficulties too bad for you" error.

*zips out*

"...heartwarming story about a family's journey of self-discovery..." I didn't know Ted Bundy was now a movie critic?

next blog

Here's two more you guys might enjoy:

What if "West Side Story" were a zombie flick...?!


And "Titanic" as a horror movie...


Wow! Better than the original!

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