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October 19, 2005


Key Phrase: "pop tart"


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But she looks great, and really, what else is important in her life - clearly not caring for her baby!!!!

??????? you know....

Answer to question marks above: YESSSSSSS!!
And it's only 6:24amPDT here in su.so.ca.!

It's going to be a bright, shiny day!

Jennifer Cox apparently has delusions of being a "real" journalist as there is a place provided to e-mail her after the "story"

it is my guess that Ms. Spears' depression might be caused by certain realizations. ie that she has no talent. or that, were it not for Ms Cox et al her 15 mins. of fame would have ended about a month ago
but i wouldn't e-mail Ms Cox about it

Who *is* taking care of the baby, anyway? Did she adopt it out to Scientologists? How come we never see it being strolled around by a nanny or something?

Answer to question marks above: YESSSSSSS!!
And it's only 6:24amPDT here in su.so.ca.!

It's going to be a bright, shiny day!

typepad error thingy made the double post. I was just drinking coffee and had absolutely nothing to do with it. I don't know how it happened, I wasn't even in the room.
/end official position

typepad error thingy made the double post. I was just drinking coffee and had absolutely nothing to do with it. I don't know how it happened, I wasn't even in the room.
/end official position

I feel sorry for that poor baby. He is doomed.

Give it three years and that kid will be smarter than either of its parents. FIVE years and it'll be smarter than both of them COMBINED.

If we stop paying attention, will they go away?

Perhaps she's depressed because she just realized she has turned herself into the person Kevin ran away from in the first place.

Or Tom Cruise took away her medication. Whichever.

i dunno, i get the impression that the reporters on the Britney beat are just phoning it in, "Don't you think she should be depressed by now?" "Yeah, or hormonal, or something..."

If you make her mad she'll be a frosted blue very-pop tart!

bayou bimbette has a nice ring to it.

tom cruise should be showing up any day now with useful self-help advice and vitamins.

Flash forward a few years. Britney giving an interview. "Oh, yes, those 3 a. m. feedings were just awful for me. Good thing I had that baby monitor installed next to my bed so the nanny could hear me when I cried. Oh, you were asking about Sean!"

Oh, suck it up. People have babies every day, and most of them raise them without nannies and don't have the luxury of sleeping all day. This crap makes me sick.

I'd pay money to see Dave put THAT pop tart into a toaster and hold the handle down....

Bayou Bimbette. I like that. : )

Bumble - preach it, sister!

She sleeps till 2 -- and the baby relies on her for every need.


She sleeps till 2 with a newborn? That is because it so exhausting ignoring the little tyke while his nanny feeds, clothes, changes and plays with him. Very draining...

Ok, guys - that "Bayou Bimbette" phrase is not funny. It is quite insulting to those of us who are actually from the bayou. And watching Dave perform his toaster test would be very funny.

I can't believe no one has pointed out Dave's involvement in this story. If you look at the photo, you can clearly see the sleeve of his blue shirt on the right side. At first glance it looks like HE'S pulling on Britney's skirt . . .

Aunt Nancy~ As mom would say, I'm preaching to the choir. 11th commandment: Thou shalt not get paid big bucks for doing nothing of significance or good taste and then whine about thy pathetic life being difficult.

Life's hard all over, especially in southern coastal areas during hurricane season. Batten down thine oosik.

Higgy~ Amen.

Don't worry about the kid, he'll do just fine as a celebratty. I'm very concerned about Britney though. Married to an idiot, unable get decent help to clean the baby's butt and toilets, and suffering from postpartum depression. She's likely to do something crazy..... like putting out a greatest hits CD or something.

"The Bayou Bimbettes" WBAGNF an all-female zydeco band! (Zydeco is a kind of Cajun music.)

Also: "She's likely to do something crazy---like putting out a greatest hits CD or something."


I would flush myself down the toilet, but the boa constrictor doesn't like company, Ivory Bill Woodpecker

That would be a very short album!

rick- Maybe another one of those "realizations" could be that she's married to a loser/slob/idiot/child/responsibility-phobe and she now sees that her child shares his DNA with this creature.

How Does she it all? Firing nannies, sleeping til 2, getting out and about in Malibu. Poor dear must be exhausted. Oh yeah, and wasn't there something about a baby?

Didn't you mean Pop the tart?

I would think she's used to taking care of babies - she's married to one.

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